Chapter 30 - Moving In

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David turned off the shower head

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David turned off the shower head. He wanted to shower with Ally but he doubt she was ready for that. Also, he was pressed for time. There was a matter he had to handle. If he had Ally in the shower with him, he would need a couple of hours at least.

He came out of the bathroom with the towel over his head. He rubbed his hair to dry them.

Ally was making the bed. She was wearing the red dress from last night.

"What are you doing?" David asked her.

She turned to him, her expression changed, and she quickly looked away. He grinned to himself. She still can't look at my naked body? After everything we've done? She is a wonder, he thought.

"I'm making the bed," Ally answered, refusing to look at him.

David went to her and hugged her from behind. "I meant, why are you dressed?"

Ally chuckled. "I can't walk through the house naked, David."

He turned her around to face him and hugged her again, "I want you to stay here."

"What do you mean?" she asked, frowning.

"I want you to stay here, with me," he explained. "I will ask the maids to bring your things here."

She blinked a few times. "Move into your room?"

He smiled and kissed her. Then he said, "Nothing would make me happier."

She chuckled softly and nodded. He grinned wider and kissed her again. While he was kissing her, he reached for her back and pulled down her zipper. Then he pulled the dress off her. She was completely naked underneath.

She laughed. "David!" she scolded playfully.

"It's your turn to shower," he justified, grinning mischievously.

She shook her head at him. She covered her front with her arms and walked into the bathroom. He grinned, watching her naked behind until she was out of sight. He heard the sound of the shower coming on.

He walked into his closet and got dressed. As he was buttoning his shirt, he walked to the bathroom and peered inside. He watched Ally showering for a while, grinning to himself. Watching the water slide down her naked body was making him hard. He couldn't get enough of her.

But right now, he needed to focus on the other matter. He finished getting dress, grabbed his jacket, and left the room. Even before he left, he was thinking, I can't wait to come back.


Ally took her time under the shower

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Ally took her time under the shower. Her body aches but at the same time, she felt refreshed and satisfied. She thought about David, about their love-making. Nobody has made her feel that way before. Her body felt like it was on fire when she was with him.

She thought about her previous relationships. She had three boyfriends including Brad, her latest breakup. All of them were selfish in bed. Sex had always been nice with them, but David taught her that sex can be a mind-blowing and mind-altering experience. Even thinking about his naked body made her knees weak.

Then an unpleasant thought crossed her mind. He was so experienced in bed compared to her. Could it be that she enjoyed their sexual intercourse more than he did? Not knowing that made her a little worried. She made a mental note to ask him when she has the chance.

Her stomach grumbled. She needed breakfast.

Ally figured she could put on the red dress first and then change in her old room. Her mind made up, she turned off the shower and stepped out. She grabbed a towel and dries herself off. Then she wrapped the towel tightly around her body before leaving the bathroom.

Something caught her eye and she paused. On David's dressing table, she saw her makeup bag and hairbrush. How did it get there? She walked into the closet and saw that her clothes were already there with all of David's clothes. The dresses hung up and the blouses and skirts folded neatly. Her lingerie filled a small drawer. She went out to the outer bedroom and saw that everything has been tidied up. Even the bedsheets have been changed.

"Are these maids or ninjas?" she wondered aloud. They were amazing at their job.

Ally got dressed and went down to the kitchen to have some breakfast.


Continue in Chapter 31


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