Chapter 49 - Suburban Party

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Saturday came

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Saturday came. It was the day of the party. Ally was in the kitchen, helping her mother prepare her famous potato salad. Sally was outside, orchestrating the placements of the tables for the food.

She was standing over the counter when David came into the kitchen. Ally froze at the sight of him. Her eyes widened and her jaw fell open.

David was dressed in a pair of dark jeans under a tight blue v-neck sweater. He shaved, no more stubbles. His wavy hair was combed back neatly. He looked very suburban.

David paused at the doorway when he saw Ally gaping at him. "What?" he asked, frowning.

Ally stammered and finally said, "You're wearing jeans. I've never seen you wear jeans. Or a sweater." She looked him over and had to ask, "Whose clothes are these?"

David chuckled, grinning widely, showing perfect rows of white teeth, looking handsome as the devil. There's going to be a lot of swooning today, Ally thought.

David hugged her from behind and said, "I thought this would be the appropriate attire when I meet your friends and family."

Ally smiled. He's trying to make an effort. "You do look almost like a normal boyfriend now."

He hugged her tighter and pressed his mouth to her ear. "I'm not a normal boyfriend?" he asked with mirth.

Ally turned her head to look at him with a disbelieve look on her face. "Have you seen you?" she asked him pointedly.

David chuckled and kissed her mouth tenderly. Then he released her and went outside to help with the arrangements.

A couple of hours later, the party was in full swing. Her mother said she invited some of her closest friends only, but from the look of it, the whole street was there. Everyone greeted Ally cheerfully, asking about her time in Mexico. She tried to answer all the queries as best as she could. She saw David from the corner of her eyes. He was standing with her father, talking to some of the neighbours. He looked relaxed, drinking beer from a bottle, with one hand in his jeans pocket. He was talking and laughing, looking drop-dead gorgeous.

As per what Ally had suspected, she could see some of the women drooling over David. Others pretended not to care, but she caught them stealing glances at him. How could they not? He is such an eye candy.

Ally tried to hide her amusement. She guessed David must be used to this kind of attention.

She heard the sound of kids wailing and she turned her attention to the direction. Ally gasped and her face broke into a big smile. Jenny's here! With all five kids in tow. A distraught looking elder lady was shushing at the crying child.

"Oh my God, Jenny!" Ally rushed to her and hugged her best friend tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"Do you really?" Jenny asked, sarcastically. She pulled away and shook her head. "No calls, no texts, nothing, for months! What happened to you?"

Ally sighed. She was expecting this. "I'm really sorry. I lost my phone and all my contacts." It was half true, and being her best friend, Jenny knew that.

"What are you not telling me?" she pushed.

"Nothing," Ally said, trying to sound as normal as she could. Then she looked at Jenny's bump and grinned up at her. "Number six?"

Jenny rolled her eyes and rubbed her belly. "Honestly, as a doctor, it's quite embarrassing. I'm preaching about birth control while here I am, single-handedly trying to repopulate the earth."

Ally laughed. She really missed her best friend's sarcastic sense of humour. "Where's Alan?" she asked, not seeing him around.

"On call," Jenny said with a sigh. Clearly, she was exhausted. Ally couldn't imagine being in her shoes.

Jenny's youngest son waddled to her and grabbed her feet. He fussed, wanting to be picked up. Ally swooped down and carried him into her arms. She tickled his belly and he laughed, his chubby cheeks turning pink. She turned to Jenny. "Come on, let's get you some food."


Continue in Chapter 50


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