Chapter 12 - The Nanny and The Cook

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Ally went back into her room

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Ally went back into her room. Angel closed the door behind her and she waited for the sound of the key turning. But she didn't hear it. She turned to look at the door, frowning. Did he forget to lock it?

She tentatively reached out and pulled the handle. The door opened and she gasped.

A million thoughts raced through her mind. Should I run for it? What if I run into David's henchmen? I can't fight them off.

Then she remembered Enrique. The sweet little boy who tried to help her from starving herself. She couldn't leave him alone here. He needed her.

She made up her mind and shut the door. Then she went to sit on the balcony. She sat out there for hours, lost in her own thoughts.

Then she heard the bedroom door opened and she turned around. Angel was there to fetch her for lunch with David. She sighed and got up to follow him.

Lunch was similar like breakfast. But instead of a big spread, she was served baked salmon with grilled asparagus. She ate a few bites. It was delicious but she didn't have her appetite. David acted the same as that morning, ignoring her throughout the meal. His eyes glued to his iPad. She doesn't understand the purpose of this shared meal.

After lunch, Angel escorted her back as usual. But something unusual did happen. When he left, he simply left her door wide open. She couldn't understand it. Does this mean I can leave?

She stepped out from her room and looked at Angel walking away. She now believed he did this on purpose.

She considered it for a moment. There is no way they would allow me outside, but maybe I can see Enrique?

Slowly, she made her way down the hall. If anyone stopped her, she would just go back to her room. But she didn't meet anyone, although she had a pricking feeling that she was being watched. Then she noticed the security cameras. Of course there are cameras.

She found the playroom but Enrique was not there. She looked around and finally she heard him singing. The sound came from outside. She found an opened door but hesitated. Am I allowed to go out? She looked behind her. Nobody was around to stop her. So she took a deep breath and stepped outside.

She found herself on an elevated green terrace. She followed Enrique's voice and found him riding around on his bicycle under a shaded area on the terrace. As she came closer, he saw her and jumped off his bike. He ran to her happily and wrapped his arms around her.

She laughed and returned the hug. Then she knelt down in front of him. "Are you okey?"

"Si, senorita," he replied excitedly, "How about you? Are you okey?"

She smiled at him endearingly. He is such a sweet boy. "I'm great. Have you eaten?"

He nodded vigorously. "Mama Diaz cooked fish." He held her shoulder and asked, "Will you watch me ride my bicycle?"

Ally chuckled and nodded, "I'd love to."

Enrique shrieked excitedly. He ran back to his bike and rode it around, showing his manoeuvring skills to Ally. His excitement was infectious. Ally found herself smiling ear to ear.

She looked around the area. The space was big for Enrique to ride his bike. There was also a monkey bar, a climbing wall, a sand pit and a small trampoline out there. The railings were set high, possibly for security measures, but also to ensure Enrique's safety. Ally couldn't help thinking that someone has put a lot of effort to ensure Enrique was happy growing up here.

A woman called out to Enrique and said something in Spanish.

Ally turned towards the voice. An elderly lady was waiting by the door, her hands on her hips.

Enrique quickly put away his bike. Then he ran to Ally and offered his hand, "Come!"

She took it and followed him.

"Mama Perez, esta es Senorita Ally," Enrique introduced us. Then he said to me, "Mama Perez doesn't know much English. Mama Diaz knows more." Then he went ahead inside.

Mama Perez smiled at Ally and she smiled back. "Are you Enrique's mother?" Ally asked her. At the confused look on her face, Ally tried a little bit of Spanish. "La madre de Enrique?"

Mama Perez shook her head and said, "Ninera." Then she points to herself.

Ally doesn't know the word. She shook her head.

Mama Perez pointed at Enrique, and added, "Cuidar de."

Ally tried to match the words with what she knows. "Cuidar? Like, cuidado?"

Mama Perez nodded, "Si! Si! Cuidar de Enrique."

"You take care of Enrique. You're his... his nanny? Ninera?"

"Si! Si! Ninera." She smiled at her widely. 

Ally smiled and nodded, showing she understood. She has met Enrique's nanny. She wondered who Mama Diaz was.

She followed Mama Perez inside and she led them down to the kitchen. Enrique was already seated at the breakfast bar, happily having cookies with milk. Ally walked up to him and ruffled his hair. He smiled at her happily. She took the seat beside him and along came an elderly overweight lady from the back kitchen.

"Enrique, who is your friend?" she asked.

"Mama Diaz, this is Senorita Ally," Enrique said and then took a big bite of his cookie.

Mama Diaz turned to Ally and smiled widely. "It is nice to meet you. You can call me Betty. I'm the cook."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Ally replied.

Mama Perez appeared behind Betty. She grabbed a clean cloth and wiped Enrique's mouth with it, murmuring something in Spanish.

"This is Maria. She is nanny. She doesn't speak English."

Ally nodded and Maria smiled at her. Ally was feeling very comfortable with them here. She turned to Betty. "You speak English very well. Where did you learn it?"

Betty laughed heartily. "My daughter, Juanita, married an America. I learn English so they don't talk behind my back."

Ally laughed with her.

Betty leaned towards her and pinched her cheek. "You need more food. Just skin and bones. Need more colour." Then she headed back into the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with a bowl of beef stew. "Eat. Please."

Ally picked up the spoon and had some stew. She nodded appreciatively, "This is delicious, thank you."

Betty smiled happily. She turned to Enrique. "You need to stop eating before you get fat." She turned to Ally and said, "This one always eat and eat, but he never gains weight. He is always in the kitchen, always eating." She glanced at Enrique and he giggled.

Ally looked up from her stew. What did Betty say? "He can come in here anytime he wants?" she asked for clarification.

"Si," replied Betty. "If I want to keep food safe, I keep in locked cabinet. He eats everything!"

Ally felt a lump in her throat. David lied to her to force her to eat with him. Enrique was never denied food. Ally felt stupid for believing he would actually do that to a child.

She pushed away the bowl. "I'm sorry, I don't feel well. I'm going to go lie down." She turned to Betty and said, "Thank you for the stew."

Betty smiled at her and watched her as she left the kitchen.


Continue in Chapter 13


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