Chapter 44 - Sexy Italy

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Ally was walking around the antiques market in Syracuse

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Ally was walking around the antiques market in Syracuse. She was enjoying a scoop of Limoncello gelato in a cup as she looked around. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Angel, with her as always, licking away at his gelato ice pop. She chuckled to herself. Behind him, she could see a clear view of Mount Etna.

She stopped at a stall selling puppets. She saw one that looked like Peter Pan. Her mind immediately went to Enrique. He would love this, she thought. So she asked the shopkeeper if she could see it. It's perfect.

David suddenly appeared from behind her and he said something to the shopkeeper in Italian. Then he handed him some cash. He turned to Ally and kissed her.

"What are you doing here?" Ally asked him, chuckling.

"To see you," he said simply, touching the puppet she was holding.

Ally held it up. "For Enrique. He loves Peter Pan."

David grinned. "Then he would love this."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head. They continued walking around the market.

"Are you done for the day?" Ally asked him.

"Maybe," David replied and Ally frowned at him. He chuckled. "I'm expecting a call, but I'm free now." He wrapped his arms around her waist so they face each other. "So, what do you want to do?"

Ally tapped her finger against her chin and pursed her lips. "Hm, let me think..."

David exaggerated a frown. "Ooh, thinking. Such a dangerous thing," he joked.

Ally laughed. Then she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Museums?"

David snorted. "Boring."

Ally laughed. "What's your brilliant plan, then?"

And that was how they ended up at the shopping district in Palermo. Ally declined profusely but David insisted. She was not surprised that he has impeccable taste in clothes, but the prices of the items were ridiculous to her.

They left Armani having purchased two ridiculously expensive dresses.

Ally glanced at the men carrying the load of shopping bags and she exhaled audibly.

"David, this is way too much. I don't really need all this," she has been saying to David repeatedly over the last 2 hours.

He kissed the top of her head. "It makes me happy to do this. Will you let me have that?"

She sighed, resigned. "But enough, okey? No more?"

She saw his gaze traveled somewhere behind her, and when he looked back at her, there was a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. He lifted his index finger up. "Just one more," he pleaded.

Ally exhaled deeply and agreed, "Only one."

He grinned and took her hand. He led her down the block and into a small boutique.

Ally's eyes widened as she looked around. They have entered an exotic lingerie store. She looked up at David in horror and he grinned even wider, squeezing her hand suggestively.

He led her around the shop, looking at the displays. There were so many different kinds of materials used. The normal silk, satin, lace and leather. The more exotic feathers, beads, sequins and even scales were on display as well.

David stopped in front of a mannequin. It was wearing a complicated looking bodysuit, with leather straps and crystal detailing.

"What do you think?" David asked her softly.

Ally chuckled to herself. He has to be kidding, she thought. "I think... that looks uncomfortable," she replied.

David leaned in and whispered to her ear, "The only reason for you wear that is for me to take it off." Then he brushed his lips against her lobe, sending delicious shiver down her body.

The salesgirl appeared behind them. "May I help you?" she asked in a thick Italian accent.

"Yes," David replied instantly, "We'd like to try these on."

"Excellent choice," the girl replied, smiling brightly. "I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, Ally was standing in front of the mirror in the dressing room, looking at herself wearing the bodysuit. She was feeling unsure if it suited her.

The curtains moved and she heard David's voice asking, "May I come in?"

"Yes," she replied and he walked in, closing the curtains back behind him. She looked at his reflection in the mirror, trying to gauge his reaction.

David was silent. His eyes travelled up from her feet to her back.

"It's more comfortable than I thought it would be," Ally commented. When he kept his silence, she asked, "So what do you think?"

David took a deep breath and exhaled. Then he stepped up to her and wrapped his arms around her body. He pressed his face to her ear. "I think," he said hoarsely, "You should keep this on."

Then he released her and she felt a tug as he pulled off the price tag. He held it up. "I'll wait at the counter." Then he grinned, and left the dressing room.

Feeling breathless, Ally did as he asked. She kept her old lingerie in her purse and put on her dress over the bodysuit. Then she stepped outside.

David was at the cashier counter, putting away his wallet. He glanced at her and gave her a meaningful smile that made her blush. He took the shopping bag that the salesgirl was handing over to him over the counter. Then he grabbed Ally's hand and they left the store.

"What's in the bag?" Ally asked curiously. She was already wearing the bodysuit.

David held the bag up and said, "I chose a couple more things for you." At Ally's sidelong glance, he quickly said, "Don't worry, they are definitely your size." And he flashed that cheeky grin again.

Ally rolled her eyes and shook her head. He is so presumptuous.

He chuckled and then asked, "Are you hungry?"


"Good," he replied, "Let's go back to the hotel so I can take that thing off you."

She blushed.


Continue in Chapter 45


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