Chapter 4 - Failed Getaway

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Ally quickly got up from the couch and walked out

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Ally quickly got up from the couch and walked out. A quick look over her shoulder and she saw Jamie and Joan making out heavily in the corner. She will text them later. She needed to leave in that instance, before Luiz realised she had left.

She hurriedly climbed down the steps and headed straight for the exit. Once outside, she took a deep breath and exhaled. The fresh night air felt heavenly on her hot skin. That's it, she swore to herself, I'm never stepping into a club again for the rest of my life!

She glanced around. The queue outside the club seemed longer than before. Why do these people want to get in so badly?

She turned away and looked down the street, hoping to find a taxi back to the hotel.

"Ay, where you goin', baby girl?"

Uh, oh, he found me. Ally spun around and saw Luiz strolling towards her, a wicked grin on his face. He licked his lips as he eyed her body and again, she felt that uneasy chill going up her spine. She swallowed nervously.

"Hey, Luiz. I'm heading back to the hotel. I'm really tired," Ally said as calmly as she could muster and faked a yawn.

"Ay, baby, the night is still young," Luiz said huskily as he tried to pull her into his arms.

Ally pushed him away. "No, I'm really tired," she insisted. "You should go back in, your guests are probably wondering where you are."

Luiz didn't give up easily. He pulled her into his arms again. "Are you shy, baby girl? Is that it?" he teased her, flashing that lopsided grin again. "I can take you back to my hotel. Just you and me. And we can get it on." 

He leaned in and kissed her neck, making her skin crawl. Then his hand reached up and grabbed her breast. 

"Luiz, I said no!" Ally shouted, as she forcefully pushed him away.

Luiz staggered backwards. His eyes widened. He looked shocked and confused. Ally immediately knew men like him rarely get rejected. The confused look on his face quickly turned murderous and made her blood run cold. She froze on the spot.

Luiz was suddenly aware that people were watching them. His tensed stance suddenly changed and he exhaled loudly. He shrugged and straightened his jacket. "Whatever, bitch. You're not that hot anyway." He threw her one last dirty look and headed back into the club.

Ally exhaled a sigh of relief. She didn't mean to make a scene. A few people were still watching her and whispering, making her uncomfortable. So she decided to walk away from there, away from their prying eyes. She walked further down the road. She was hoping that she was heading towards the big road where it will be easier for her to get a taxi.

The downhill walk was killing her feet. She stopped and took off her heels. She just hoped that she won't accidentally step in glass. Then she continued walking.

She didn't realise how far she had walked. The area she was in now was almost deserted. She saw a couple of men standing around on the opposite side of the road. She tried to be invisible but she caught their attention. They whispered to each other and then started to cross the road towards her.

Ally's heart started to beat fast. Then her survival instinct took over. Run! 

She picked up her pace. She glanced back and saw the men were half jogging towards her. She decided to run for it and they started to give chase!

Ally kept running until she could hear the thumping of her heartbeat in her ears. She turned a corner and realised they will catch up to her soon. She saw a dark alley and quickly hid there, keeping her back flushed against the rough wall. Not long after, she saw the two men sprinting by. She let out a silent sigh of relief and leaned her head back against the wall. Her heart has never beaten this hard before, like it was trying to break her ribcage.

Then she heard it; whispered voices in the alley. She turned slowly towards the sound, but she couldn't see anything. It was too dark and her blood was pumping too hard for her to see straight.

Then out of nowhere, BANG! The sudden bright flash and the loud sound of a gun going off made her scream. She thought she saw a body falling to the ground.

She heard men shouting and heavy footsteps running towards her. Without a second thought, she bolted out from the alley and ran as fast as her legs would take her. Run!

She heard them getting closer but she didn't dare turn around. She kept running. She prayed for God to give her energy to keep pushing. To keep running.

Then something hard hit the back of her head and she fell to the ground. She saw a pair of feet approaching her before everything slowly turned dark.


Continue in Chapter 5


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