Chapter 8 - The Blonde Boy

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The same thing happened the next day

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The same thing happened the next day. Angel would come in to bring her food, taking away the untouched food he delivered previously. He ignored her and she ignored him.

She was lying in bed that afternoon, feeling drained of energy, when she heard the door unlocked. She assumed it was another food delivery so she ignored it.

The sound of throat clearing made Ally turned to look. Angel was standing at the foot of the bed. Ally frowned at him.

"David wants to see you."

Ally rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply. She was being summoned. She pushed herself off the bed and felt her head spin. She paused to recover her equilibrium. Then slowly she climbed off the bed and followed Angel.

She had to pause halfway up the stairs, feeling faint. Angel was already at the top. "Hurry!" he called down.

She glared up at him. She took a deep breath and started climbing the remaining steps. At the top, she glared at him again. He ignored her and kept walking. She sighed and followed him.

At the end of the hall, Angel knocked and opened the heavy wooden door. He stood aside and Ally walked in.

She stepped into an office. On her left was a seating area with comfortable leather chairs. On the right wall, floor to ceiling bookcase, laden with leather bound books. Right in front of her, a glass-topped desk with a high-backed leather chair. Behind that was a glass wall that separated the office from the large open balcony with a waterfall feature.

David was standing out there, with his back to her, smoking a cigar, with one hand in his pocket. He was wearing navy pants with matching vests, over a clean white shirt.

When he heard the door shutting loudly, he turned around and saw her. Then he came inside through the glass door. He stopped a few feet away from Ally and eyed her top to bottom, a crease forming on the bridge of his nose and his forehead.

She knew he was looking at her outfit. She grabbed the first thing she could reach from the closet this morning and wore it. The brown long skirt was way too big for her so she had to roll up the waistband so it won't fall off. The white long-sleeved top was also big, so she tucked the shirt into the skirt and rolled up the sleeves up to her elbows. The shirt hung off her shoulders. And she was still wearing the oversized slippers. 

But the last thing she cared about right now was how she looked.

David turned away from her and he sat down on one of the leather chair. "Please, have a seat," he invited her.

It may have sounded like a request, but Ally knew it was an order. She sighed and did as she was told. She sat down as far away from him as she can. She crossed her arms in front of her.

David continued scrutinising her silently while smoking his cigar. He blew out the smoke upwards.

"Can you please put that out?" Ally asked bitterly, "The smell is making me dizzy."

David tried to hide his amusement but she could see his mouth twitching. He looked at the cigar in his hand and licked his lips. "This is Cuban. Nobody hates the smell of Cuban." But he leaned forward and put out the cigar in the glass ashtray on the coffee table. Then he leaned back and crossed his legs, resting his right ankle on top of his left knee. He wrapped his right arm on the back of the chair. "And you're dizzy because you haven't eaten anything."

Ally glared at him. He was looking smugly back at her. She looked away and replied drily, "I'm not hungry."

David chuckled and shook his head in disbelieve. He shifted forward in his chair, turning towards her. She glanced sideways at him. "By my calculation, you have gone without food for minimum forty hours. And I'm sorry to tell you this, but I can hear your stomach grumbling from where I'm sitting."

Ally shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and looked away again. David chuckled at her reaction. She knew she was being stubborn but she didn't care.

David shook his head and stood up, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He exhaled deeply. "You're having dinner with me tonight."

Ally wanted to protest but he already walked away. He took another cigar from his desk and lit it up. Then he headed out the glass door.

Ally sinked back into the chair. As per everything else, she doesn't have a choice in this.

Angel returned and he led Ally back to her room. She was walking far behind him, feeling weak and empty. She was deep in thoughts when suddenly she heard a child's voice. She paused to listen. Maybe it's from a television? she thought.

Her curiosity got the better of her. She slipped away from Angel and followed the sound of the voice. She found herself in a bright, colourful playroom. The room was filled to the brim with toys, books, a large television mounted on the wall playing cartoon shows, and a little indoor playground at the corner. In the middle of the room, sitting on the floor, was a little blonde boy. He was playing animatedly with two large dinosaurs, making roaring sounds and deep voices.

Ally made her way slowly into the room. She walked up until the boy sees her. He smiled and she smiled back.

"Um, sabes ingles?" she asked him.

He nodded, "Si, senorita."

Ally smiled and knelt down in front of him. He understood English. "What's your name?"


"Hi, Enrique. I'm Ally," she introduced herself.

He smiled and continued playing with his dinosaurs.

"How old are you?" she asked.

He looked at her. "I am six years."

At that moment, her stomach grumbled. She quickly cleared her throat to cover the sound. A failed attempt.

Enrique frowned and asked her, "Are you hungry, señorita?"

Ally quickly shook her head. "No, no. It's just gas."

Suddenly Angel appeared at the doorway. He was looking pissed. "Come!" he called out angrily.

Ally sighed loudly. She smiled at Enrique and ruffled the top of his head. "I'll see you around."

Then she got up and grudgingly followed Angel back to her room.


Continue in Chapter 9


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