Chapter 39 - Crates

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[One week later]

[Enzo's POV]

"Enzo?" I hear Cat's voice call out as she walks in my bathroom wearing black leather pants and a black long sleeve shirt tucked in, her huge Gucci belt buckle catching my attention with the light reflecting off it.

She marches in like she is on a mission, and I am more than eager to find out what it is.

"Yes, princess?" I reply loudly over the shower pouring on my back.

Her eyes meet mine as a slow smirk forms on her perfect lips. Her eyes roam down my body and back up as she steps closer and I can't help but chuckle at the look on her face.

"Like what you see, Caterina?" I taunt her as I shut off the water.

Her grin grows as I open the shower door and step out on to the tile, grabbing a towel from the counter beside me.

"You know I do." She replies, stepping closer as I wrap the towel around my waist after quickly drying my chest and hair.

"What had you so excited?"

I feel her little hand run down my chest as her eyes sparkle up to me.

"Mmm... I forget now..." she mumbles, leaning closer. I doubt she actually forgot... she's too smart for that... but I can tell her thoughts are elsewhere now and I fucking love it.

I reach forward and grip her hips, lifting her in one quick motion on to the bathroom counter so we are face to face.

"I hope it wasn't important," I mumble against her neck, planting slow, teasing kisses along it and across her jaw. Fuck, she smells good. She always does...

"The first..." she starts but is cut off by a moan as my right hand travels between her thighs. "The first... Costra shipment... is here." She breathes out and I press my mouth to hers in a single, quick kiss.

"Come on," I step back and hold my hand out for her to slide off the counter. She does exactly that, but pouts.

"It can wait." She says and I chuckle as I pull her hand, walking out of the bathroom so I can change.

"We have plenty of time for that, princess, but I want to see the guns before they are sent to the streets."

"Fine." She mumbles, sitting on the bed to wait for me to get dressed in my black pants and white button down shirt.

"Do you have a uniform here?" I hear her say behind me, making me laugh.

"No," I answer and walk back towards her with my shirt undone, but pants on. She stands and reaches for me, and I gladly move closer. She starts buttoning my shirt for me as her eyes shine up to mine.

"So you just choose to dress like you work on Wall Street in your own home?" She smirks and I smile, running my right hand through her wavy hair.

"If the boss wore sweatpants, what would that say to the rest of the men?" I quip back.

She rolls her eyes and I'm tempted for a second to turn her over my knee for it, but I let it go so I can go see the shipment.

"On a day off?" She smirks up to me, but I know she already knows the answer.

"There are no days off in the mafia, baby, you should know that by now." I kiss her once and quickly tuck in my shirt into my pants. "Come on," I tell her and she takes my hand silently, following me out of my room by my side.

When I spot Anthony at the bottom of the stairs, I nod and he starts walking towards where I assume the guns are.

When we walk into my office, there are three large crates that all have some random logos and names on the sides for cover. Anthony takes off the lid of the first and pulls out packing stuffing and bags of rice, setting it all on the floor.

Made For The Mafia (18+) (1 of 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt