Chapter 4 - Want

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His furious eyes bore into mine from across the room as I stand there, speechless.

He looks a little different today. His stubble has grown out a bit, creating a darker shadow across his tan cheeks that compliments his dark eyes. His chestnut brown hair is still gelled back to be perfectly in place. Together with his suit, he is the perfect package.

"What were you doing with Tony?" He says a little calmer, but still very angry. I just don't understand why... he paid for last night and didn't even do anything with me. That doesn't entitle him to every night. This is a strip club after all.

I put my hands on my hips defiantly as I face off with him, my confidence returning. "He's my customer."

His jaw tenses as he tilts his head, understanding my meaning.

"A regular." I challenge him and his eyebrows shoot up.

He takes a few long steps forward, making me want to both back up and walk towards him at the same time. What's happening to me?

I decide to stay put as he closes in.

"He's not someone you should be around." He says in a low voice, his eyes skimming my cleavage showing under my silk robe.

"Good." I reply plainly. It surprises him - I surprise him.

"Neither are you, by the way." I add and his eyes meet mine.

He takes one step closer, backing us both up into the post of the bed, my back curving around the pole. I feel his fingers lightly touch the waves at the end of my long hair, twirling it around his finger.

I don't breathe. I can't. My heart races wondering what he is going to do next.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks in a low menacing voice. He wants me to be scared of him, same as last night. It doesn't work, though.

"I know what you are." I reply and the corner of his lips turn up slightly.

"And what is that?" He whispers, his mouth moving closer and closer to mine. He hovers over it. I can smell his earlier whisky on his breath but I ignore it.

"Mafia." The one word and I can see the flicker in his eye telling me it's true. "The leader of it." I add and he just stands there, staring into my eyes. When he's this close, I can almost read his thoughts. I think he's impressed I figured him out.

"And you are not scared?" He asks me, mimicking last night.

I sigh a little. "Do you really want to play that game again?" I ask in a bored tone.

His eyes darken as his hand brushes against my breasts and down to grip my waist roughly, sending tingles through my body.

"With you, I have so many games I want to play." He practically growls out and I feel my core tighten in response.

How does he have this effect on me?

"Why do you do this?" He asks me suddenly and my eyebrows furrow, confused.

"You could have anyone, anything, with this body and mouth of yours." His other hand's fingers graze over my lips lightly and I feel the weird urge to kiss them.

"I don't want anyone." I reply honestly and he moves back a step, releasing his touch on me. Shit, I do want that back. I wish I didn't...

"Then what do you want?" He asks.

I grin as I walk over and sit up on the bed, my back against the pillows and my long legs on display. I cross my ankles and fold my hands over my lap.

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