Chapter 6 - Back

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[Enzo's POV]

I walk out of Cat's room and stand just inside the entrance to the main club area, scanning the room for her.

My eyes find her across the club, grinding her perfect ass against fucking Tony, whispering something in his ear. His disgusting hands roam over her thighs and then stomach, for which it takes everything in me not to go over and kill him right this second.

I flick my eyes up towards the private overlooking section and find Danny leaning against the railing. Fuck it. He's the first one I see.

I dial his number and watch him pick up before turning my gaze back on her hands on him.

"Hey, boss." Danny chirps into the phone.

"I need you to get the girl away from Tony Cillamoni. Right this second." I command, gripping the phone tightly as I watch them with clenched teeth.

"Where do you want her?" He replies.

He doesn't argue. I like it.

"Back room entrance with me. Go now." I hang up and within a few seconds I see Danny approach them on the main floor.

I watch as her eyes widen at whatever he says to them, but it does the job. Tony starts yelling and waving his arms around, dropping them from her. Danny grabs her arms and ushers her away, ignoring Tony yelling at his back, and doesn't touch her anywhere else. Thank fuck.

She struggles against him but he keeps moving, guiding her through the bodies in their way. Finally, he lets go of her and pushes her gently towards me with a smirk. I can see his eyes quickly glance over her nearly naked body, but I let it go. Who wouldn't look at this girl?

She starts swearing at both of us, but I ignore her, grabbing her arm roughly and pulling her with me back to the room I should never have let her leave.

The more she struggles against my grip, the more angry I become.

But am I angry that she won't listen or that she doesn't want to be in her room with me?

Definitely the first... yes... right?

I quickly open the door, flinging her with me inside and push her against it as I close it, my arms trapping her in on both sides.

"What the fuck do I have to do to get you to listen to me!?" My voice roars, echoing across the room and likely into the hallway, but I don't care who hears. As long as she does.

She glares at me, anger and resentment seething through her.

"You don't fucking own me!" She spits out and shoves her hands against my chest to try and move me. I let her, only to make sure she doesn't scream for help and make this more dramatic than it needs to be.

Why is she being so goddamn difficult!?

"I paid a lot of money for you to sit in here and tell me things. You don't have to go fuck around and shake your ass for money. Especially with him." I scream back, walking up to her at the mirror she went to stand in front of to fix her hair. What is it about this woman that I can't be outside of five feet from her?

"I don't want your money!" She yells, meeting my eyes in the mirror defiantly. God, she's fiesty... no other woman I know would try me like this.

I move behind her and pick up her long hair for a second, placing it neatly down her back.

"Don't touch me." She seethes and my eyes flick to hers in the reflection.

This stops now.

I move my arms through hers quickly, my hands pushing her stomach so she firmly presses against me. She struggles to pull away, which makes me grip her harder.

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