Chapter 18 - Confess

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It's been hours.

Screaming. Blood. Crying. Yelling. Pain.

No confession.

I watch from the corner of the room behind the two way mirror, observing Danny's movements and techniques. Enzo stands two feet from me, yet hasn't spoken a word. Almost as if he doesn't know I'm here. But I know he knows. He knows everything.

"I don't think he's going to talk," Anthony groans, standing between us.

"He will." Enzo states plainly and sharply, shutting him up.

"Maybe he doesn't have anything to say." I state the obvious quietly, but I know they heard. Enzo's jaw twitches slightly as Anthony's eyes flick between us, unsure if he should speak.

Louis screams out in pain again as Danny pries off his left index fingernail. It looks absolutely disgusting. And painful - horrendously so. I should wince or flinch or something, but I don't. It doesn't truly phase me the way it should.

Danny huffs loudly, frustrated. But beyond that, I can still see the specks in his eyes telling me he enjoys this. Seeing the man beg. Being in control as he screams. He likes it. It's fucked, but who am I to judge?

"Confess!" He yells and draws a line straight down his arm. Red blood oozes out as he screams and thrashes against the restraints.

"I told you! I don't know anything!" He cries out and I see Danny's eyes flick to mine and then to Louis, motioning for me to come in.

My turn is up.

I walk past Anthony and then Enzo's hand flies out and rests on my stomach, blocking the path. His fingers start a fire in my core instantly.

I clench my teeth together, but refuse to look at him.

"Be careful." He whispers and then drops his hand. I walk past without another word.

I open the door slowly to the interrogation room which is really more of a dungeon torture room with the grey stone walls and brick floors.

Danny looks up and sees me, patting the man on the shoulder as he walks by him and toward me. I hear Louis sigh in relief instantly, falsely thinking his pain is over.

After Danny whispers his instructions in my ear, I walk slowly towards the chair bolted to the center of the room. Louis' eyes widen as I come into his view. He looks me over, head to feet, and squints, not understanding why I'm here.

"Hello, Louis." I smile slyly as I walk up to him and stop right in front of his legs. His eyes immediately go to my exposed thighs below my short black dress.

"Who - who are you?" He stutters as I use my knife to cut open the tape around his wrists binding them to the chair arms. He stares at me, completely perplexed. I know he is too weak to try anything to get away.

"Cat." I reply.

I carefully move one leg in between the space under the arm of the chair, and then the other, sitting gently on his lap.

"What..." He stares at me in disbelief. It's actually kind of funny to me how shocked he truly is. He can't even find the words to ask what's happening.

I lean into his right ear as my left hand moves my hair behind my ear and down my back, exposing my neck and shoulder in front of his mouth. "You can touch me." I whisper.

His shaking hands lightly touch my thighs. He's hesitant. He knows this isn't going to end well. He's smart.

"I need you to confess what you know." I smile and he bats his eyelashes, confused and conflicted.

"I told Danny..." he trails off.

"I know. But this is just you and me now. You can tell me and I can help you." I run my fingers through his hair as I speak and I feel him lean just slightly into my touch. I move my hips against him and feel him stir underneath me, exactly what I wanted.

"I can't tell you what I don't know... please..."

"Shhhh..." I place a finger to his lips and he immediately stops talking, just stays staring at me with wide eyes.

"I can help you." I say again, grinding my hips slowly against his crotch. His hands tighten a little on my thighs.

I sigh, leaning into him more as I continue my movements. "Louis, you can tell me the nice" I run my finger over his lips, "way, or I can continue Danny's work. It is your choice."

"Tell me what you know and I'll make this end." I whisper in his ear, just for him to hear.

"I... don't... know anything," he says in laboured, uneven breaths. He's barely hanging on by a thread. I'm surprised he isn't dead already.

"You know you want to tell me," I moan in his ear as I grind my hips a little faster against him. His slight groan gives him away as he grips my thighs tightly. He's turned on. He's right where I want him.

I suck on his right earlobe as I keep moving my hips.

"Tell me." I repeat as I drag my nails down his chest and stomach, avoiding the burn marks.

His eyes stare into mine and beg silently. I already know what he wants without hearing a word.

I nod, promising.

He gulps, accepting it.

"Tony got one of his men to pay me $10,000 to tell him where the shipment was. I didn't know it was for Tony, they didn't tell me. I don't know anything about any moles. This was a one time thing." He admits in a rush and I stop all movement on him. "My girl is pregnant. We needed the money. I didn't do it to hurt Enzo, it was only about the money, I promise. Please tell him that. Please."

"I will." I agree, even though it is futile when Enzo can hear everything he says behind the glass. If he is even still there.

True to my unspoken word, I pull one foot up and kick the chair back, making us both fall. I land above him on my knees and pull the blade out of my ankle strap at the same time before gliding it across his throat in one quick slash.

"Thank you," he whispers meekly, just loudly enough for my ears. I nod slowly as the warm liquid squirts across my face and chest and he thrashes in the chair under me, gargling and choking on his own blood.

Pools of red liquid flow from him as his eyes finally lose any small bit of life left in them.

Should I feel bad? Remorseful? Conflicted?

I just feel empowered. In control and on top of the world. Invigorated. I know it's wrong, but it's the truth.

I wish he deserved to die more than that, like the man outside the club the night I met Enzo and was sucked into this crazy world, but he still ripped off Enzo. He was a rat. There is no room for rats. And I liked being the one to take care of the problem.

But I will see to it that his girl and baby gets something. Enough to survive. That will be my way of making it right and even.

For now, though, it's done.

I stand up carefully and slide the knife back in its holder, pulling my dress down from riding up my thighs. I step over his head and blood carefully and walk out of the room and back upstairs, no last look at the body or comment to the onlookers. Just silence.

After all the screaming, all I want is silence.

Author's Note:

I actually toned down the gore, believe it or not lol.

Hope you liked this chapter! I think this will be the max I ever do the torture scenes again, now that the technique has been established. Plus, I much prefer writing the romance parts.

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