Chapter 19 - Caught

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It was summer. Miss Peregrine and some of the children under her care, were at Jake's house, where they had had lunch around two hours ago. In the backyard, there was a swimming pool, and while some were swimming, and others were playing with some toys they had brought, Alma and Jake were sitting on the deck chairs that there were, under the sun. Drinking some lemonade, they were chatting, while keeping an eye on the kids. It was evident that they were dating, even though they hadn't told the children yet. Despite they were young, they could tell that what they shared was deeper than friendship and just getting along very well.

Seated next to each other, Jake softly patted her thigh, stroking it afterwards, to which she reacted smiling, holding his hand. While Jake was wearing light blue shorts (the ones meant for swimming), Alma wore a two-piece white swim suit, which wasn't too revealing, but suited her perfectly, favoring her curves. Not only they had a really special connection, but also, they were really attracted to each other, which was shown through small but meaningful gestures.

After a while, Jake said:

J- So, babe, would you like to get into the pool?


J- You look so good...

A-Thanks, love...

They headed to the pool, and while Jake jumped in, Alma walked down the few steps, to enter the water. Once inside, they got close to each other, hugging, Alma wrapping her arms around Jake's neck, and resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, and Jake's hands grabbing her waist. The water wasn't precisely warm, but due to the time of the day, the sun was still shining bright, making it very pleasant. Then, still in. the embrace, they stared at each other, and Jake kissed her once, then twice, until they were making out.

Their kisses were no longer soft and innocent, they were now intense and daring, showing their mutual hunger. Although they were aware of the fact that it wasn't too right, considering that anyone around could see them, especially the kids, they seemed to be so into their activity, that stopping wasn't really an option. They stopped for a brief instant, and then they started again, only that, this time, dived in, until they were actually kissing underwater. They looked at each other in the eye, and it was like the only thing that mattered, was all that that they were sharing, and all the things they were saying, non-verbally, but through their actions.

A while later, when everyone was out of the pool, when most of the kids were on the living room, watching TV, or playing, Alma and Jake went upstairs, to his room. Seated on his bed, they were chatting comfortably. Then, once again, passion was made present, and they started kissing intensely, and lovingly. Something they really liked about their relationship, was that even though the physical aspects were very relevant, they were linked by something much deeper, an affection that they always ensured to show, and that made them feel joyous about having found someone that cared for them.

Jake accommodated himself on top of her, between her bent legs. He stroked her skin, and after breaking their kiss, his mouth did a path from her belly, upwards, until her chest and neck. His hands caressed as much as they could reach, and even stopped to press her breasts, sneaking under her top. Both of them felt delighted, and since the first time they shared a moment like this one, they would have them quite often, being able to release all that desire, and to calm those cravings for the other. They let out some gasps, savoring the other's mouth and skin.

Before the situation went further, like to the point they got rid of their garments, Alma looked to the side, and saw that the door was slightly open. She whispered in Jake's ear:

A-Close the door baby...

J- I thought I had closed it already...

A-Yeah, me too... I don't know.

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