Chapter 7 - Unexpected

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It was, once again, September 3rd in Miss Peregrine's loop. Everything was going well, and everyone was working happily on their daily activities. Regarding Miss Peregrine and Jake, things were now different between them. Even though they kissed some times, and became closer, they still hadn't talked anything about them being in a relationship.

In the afternoon, most of the children were downstairs or even in the garden, playing or finishing any chore. Miss Peregrine, who just finished cleaning the dining room after lunch, was on her way to her bedroom. When she got to the third floor, where it was located, she came across Jake, who greeted her and she answered politely. They were at the end of a long corridor. After some basic questions, they got close to each other to share a quick kiss, but it turned into a longer one when Jake grabbed Alma by the waist and she rested her hands on his shoulders, tilting her head, deepening the kiss, which lasted for a couple of minutes, since they would part and then keep going.

Meanwhile, there was Emma, who after spending a while chatting with some of her friends in the garden, decided to go upstairs and look for Jake. When she reached the third floor, in the hallway, she saw something that she found quite unexpected and hit her quite badly. There was Jake, making out with Miss Peregrine, pressing her against a side of the wall. They seemed very into it, and Jake would even lower his lips to her jawline and neck sometimes. They didn't notice her presence, and Emma was so shocked that she was frozen in her place. Not only it was weird seeing her ymbryne kissing someone with so much desire, considering that she was always so conservative, but also the fact that it was Jake the one who was kissing her, made her even more uncomfortable, since she had a sort of crush on the young man. Besides, she even had thought that they had a special link, something that apparently wasn't mutual.

Quite upset, she went back downstairs, to the living room. Some minutes later, when she saw Jake coming, she approached him and asked him if they could talk, to which he nodded in a positive response. She guided him to a corner, ensuring that nobody would hear them, and spoke:

E- What's wrong with you? She's our headmistress!

J- What do you mean?

E- I saw you two necking upstairs

J- Oh... Yeah, that... What's wrong with it? I didn't force her to do anything. Besides, why do you care that much? She's an adult, she can do whatever she wants.

E- Ugh! You're such an idiot.

J- What? Why?

E- In first place, it's just wrong to behave like that with a person who is supposed to be a superior, and in second place, you really think you have a chance with her? You just got lucky, but that doesn't mean that she wants anything.

J- I still don't understand why you are so upset about it. I mean, it's none of your business, and as I already told you, I didn't force her to do anything, so if she got involved in that situation, it was her choice. And now, if you excuse me, I have to go to do anything else because I'm done with this conversation.

Before Emma could reply, Jake went upstairs, and she didn't even bother to follow him. Actually, what made her the most upset, was that he felt attracted to their ymbryne instead of her, who had been really nice to him since he arrived. Even though she was quite jealous of Miss Peregrine, she concluded it was useless to be mad at her, and after all, she didn't know that she liked Jake, so there was no bad blood.

On another hand, there was Jake, who after his brief argument with Emma, run to the attic, where he had previously hung a boxing bag, and was hitting it, since some of the things Emma said made him really mad. In case it was true, it made him sad that Miss Peregrine didn't actually want anything with him, because he did have a real crush on her and liked her a lot, not only physically, but also regarding her personality. He wasn't aware of the fact that the real main reason why Emma got so angry, was that she liked him, and was unhappy about the situation. Some minutes later, Miss Peregrine came to the attic, and when she saw Jake, who looked distressed, worried, she asked him:

M- Are you okay, Jake?

J- Yes, I'm fine (he said, not looking at her in the eye, but to the boxing bag instead.

M- Did you argue with Emma? I heard her talking to you

J- Yes... She saw us while we were kissing and she got really mad. And... she said that you didn't really want anything between us, that you just felt like making out so you did, but it doesn't mean that you actually like me.

M- Oh... Don't worry about Emma, her anger will pass. And, you know, I think she was wrong to say that, because she shouldn't speak about my feelings as if she knew them, since she doesn't. Besides, actually, I do like you. I think you are really cute, and apart from that, you are always so nice to me... And you are good at kissing...

What Miss Peregrine just said made Jake really happy. They stared at each other with a little smile. Miss Peregrine got closer to him and kissed his lips slowly. He responded, joyfully, he thought her mouth tasted so good. Then, what Miss Peregrine did, took him totally by surprise, but he wouldn't complain. She held his hand and guided him through the ample attic, until they reached a couch that there was. Standing next to it, Miss Peregrine gave Jake a seductive look, and then, lowered her sight to unbutton her shirt. Underneath, she was wearing a tank top made of a soft fabric, but she continued undressing herself, so she took it off, revealing a black lace bra that fitted her great, contrasting with her pale skin, and slightly lifting her breasts.

Jake was speechless, he certainly didn't expect that, but all his surprise was replaced with desire. He hadn't seen her like this before, and was fascinated with how beautiful and sensual her body looked. Miss Peregrine laid across the couch, with her legs bent and separated. She motioned Jake to come on top of her, so he did, first caressing one of her thighs. The only thing that came to his mind was kissing her like there was no tomorrow, so that's what he focused on, stroking her hair, then licking and biting her neck and chest, to what she replied gasping. When Jake reached Miss Peregrine's bust, he caressed it on top of her bra, and then proceeded to unhook it. Once it was taken off, his mouth went straight to the now bare breasts. Miss Peregrine was definitely enjoying that, and when she felt one of her nipples being bitten, she let out a loud moan, loving that combination of pleasure and a little bit of pain that made her shiver.

Hearing her moan made Jake want to be inside her as soon as possible, so he took of his t- shirt, trousers and also underwear, since he couldn't wait to actually make love to her, the woman he liked for a long time, and was now, in this situation with him, finally. The only garment that was still on was Miss Peregrine's panties, which before being removed, Jake felt that were quite wet. Once both were completely naked, Jake pushed himself inside her, followed by moving fast. Miss Peregrine whimpered again, but this time louder, making evident how much she was relishing that.

After a while, they both reached their climax, but despite that, Jake remained inside her for some minutes after they were done. This whole context was for sure something both appreciated, not only due to the pleasure it supplied, but also because it would join them more, and it was a move they were both needing to reaffirm their relationship. A few minutes later, they got dressed again, and went downstairs to see if any of the children needed something. What had just happened, didn't need to be known by anyone else, because they were the only ones involved and, of course, the only ones who got to experience all the good feelings. The rest of the day went normally, and the only exception or unusual event was the romantic encounter between Jake and Miss Peregrine, not that it affected anyone else, but it was indeed something special.

That's it!

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