Jack Gibson-Crystal Ridge Mountains (discontinued)

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"What's your pendant?" "It's a cartouche older than you and I put together. My 4x great granduncle sent it home to my 5x great grandmother while he was fighting for the British Empire. It says Hardway the family name passed down from eldest daughter to eldest daughter."

Alarms rang calling them down for the clouds and back into the harsh reality of things. 24 hours later and Mary-Anne was on her way home or the closest thing to home she had. She moved into an apartment complex just hours before heading to the station so barely anything was unpacked. Her big woven chest loomed on the kitchen side as did the other boxes dotted around the space. The doorbell rang making her jump with a start, she remembered that she had asked Jack to stop by and give her a hand. "Core blimey when you said you just emptied your car before coming straight to 19 was an understatement," "Thanks for this I didn't know who else to ask," "Your welcome, 19 is family your a member of 19 so your a member of the family, I'll shut up now," the two had a good laugh before getting down to the task at hand.

Through out the evening the two became close over cheap boose and cheesy jokes and stories. The two eventually passed out in the kitchen then to wake up with one hell of a hangover. "Come on Gibson I can lend you some of my fiancé's clothes take a shower," she tossed him one of the jumpers she'd nicked and a pair of cache's rubbing her own eyes open. She put pancakes on the stove before going for a shower after Jack had finished of course. The two again chatted about nothing over a plate of picture perfect pancakes, "Thanks for the grub," "Thanks for a good time," "Your welcome," Mary-Anne let out a soft giggle that not even Jack could suppress a chuckle to. Within seconds they were laughing their heads off.

Days turned into weeks and weeks to months until 5 months in Seattle yet no one had met her fiancé. Mary-Anne blew a kiss through the phone before saying goodbye to her mystery man, she played with the ring she didn't wear at work but instead tied it round a silk handkerchief that was a gift.

"So when are we going to meet this mystery man?" Vic asked causing Mary-Anne to jump and slam her frantically stuff the handkerchief into her purse, "Um when he's next in Seattle maybe? I'm here for the writing opportunities as well as the firefighting opportunities. Oh yeah sorry, I'm a writer to. Though nothing under my real name has taken off. My pen name stories on the other hand, where to begin. Lets just say those made me the second wealthiest person in Crystal Ridge and wealthiest female. If I quit firefighting I would live a comfortable life but I don't want to. Firefighting is my life," "Good to know."

Maya called 19 into the beanery for a meeting. "Ah Hardway, Gibson haven't missed anything now as you may or may not know what there is a currently uncontrollable wildfire on Melody Rock Crystal Ridge Mountains. There already limited resources aren't enough for the task so they are calling in the cavalry or us, so go home pack a weeks worth of stuff then meet back here to drive to base camp at Hardway mountain. Mary-Anne's driving as she is the only one who knows the roads," she just rolled her eyes and ignored Maya as she had learnt to do.

19 came back about an hour later to start stocking the engines to leave. "Mary-Anne how long do you think it will take us to get there?" Andy asked launching hose lines into there hatch, "Get out of Seattle an hour drive to Crystal Ridge itself? Hour at most," "What way are you thinking of take the motorway and it's 3 hours," "We're not thinking of the same route," Maya and Ben came into the barn with the last of there gear before Maya gave the sound off to move out. Jack decided to sit up front with Mary-Anne as the others most likely wanted shut eye. Surprisingly they set up a table in the back and played Ace almost all the way.

Dark bellows of smoke told Mary-Anne they were getting close, Melody Rock is just behind Hardway, Jack saw the look she had in her eyes, "You okay?" "As good as I can be, hey cap think we have enough time to stop somewhere to get a bite to eat?" "Where?" "My parents, best grub South of Hardway mountain my mothers cooking is better than Travis's. I called ahead they'd be more than happy to make extra lunch and drag Drew out of the bees nests," "Okay then," "Smooth Mia smooth," Jack spoke with such a stupid undertone that just made her laugh harder. For some reason quite a few people were staring at 19, "Why are they staring at us?" Travis asked nervously looking out the window at the few locals just giving them dirty looks, "They're not staring at you they're staring at me. Looks like I haven't been forgiven yet." Jack glanced across at Mary-Anne knowing exactly what she was talking about.

After a couple of minutes they passed yet another group of villagers walking with Mary-Anne's grandmother. All of them were giving her dirty odd looks, "We aren't going to my parents anymore we are going straight to the base camp at least there I won't get as many dirty looks," "What are the odd looks all about?" "Where to begin. I'm engaged to the heir to the mining fortune and a large company in Seattle. He's the richest person and family in town and I am the second wealthiest though my fortune is new and through writing. The previous second richest person/family is the Byron's, the richest marry the richest. The son was trying hard to be with me and the daughters with my fiancé. There just mad the wealthiest bachelor and bachelorette got engaged to one another. God I am way to sober to have this conversation," she snapped hitting her head on the steering wheel.

Station 19 one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang