Chapter 86

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They're on their way to Nouvelle's school but unfortunately, they got stuck in a traffic. Lisa is starting to panic because Nouvelle's program is going to start in less than half an hour. The kid is also starting to throw a fit.

"Dada, we're going to be late." She said and pouted her lips trying to stop her tears from falling. Jennie hugged their baby and patted her back soothingly.

"No sweetie, we still have few more minutes. I'm sure we'll get there in no time." Jennie said calmly so that Nouvelle won't panic like her Dada.

"It's your fault," Nouvelle mumbled and even if the two could see her face, they can feel that she is rolling her eyes.

"What?" Lisa asked suppressing her chuckles.

"It's mommy and dada's fault. You both woke up late. What did you even do last night?" Nouvelle complained while snuggling closer to her mommy.

Jennie and Lisa just looked at each other meaningfully and laughed heartily. The kid wouldn't wanna know. She shouldn't know.

"Yah, you both laughing at me? It's not funny mommy, dada!" She thought her parents are laughing at her but they are actually laughing at what they did last night.

Jennie can't help but laugh everytime she remembers how Lisa made a lot of effort just to clean the storage room and put a bed on it just so they could do the deed there. Was she that eager? She couldn't blame her girlfriend though. It's been so long since the last time they made love in peace. Most of the time, they either just settle for quickies or they'll be interrupted by their daughter. When Nouvelle grew up, it felt like they don't own their room anymore.

Anyway, that was the last time that the three of them will be sharing a room because later they'll finally go to their own home.

"Sorry baby, we are not laughing at you. I'm laughing because of your dada. We slept late because she was having a loose bowel movement so she had to stay up late in the bathroom and she uhm asked me to help her. That's what happened." Jennie explained while preventing herself from laughing. What she said was intended to tease Lisa but their daughter believed her.

"Oh, poor dada. I didn't know you were sick last night. I'm sorry for behaving badly." She said and pouted.

"It's fine," Lisa said and rolled her eyes at Jennie when the kid wasn't looking. I mean seriously? Of all the excuses she could come up with, she chose loose bowel movement? That's kind of lame. Jennie just winked at her.

"You okay now dada?" Nouvelle asked worriedly.

"She's fine baby. Mommy already did everything to make dada feel--I mean get better." Jennie said, again trying to tease Lisa which couldn't hide the grin on her face.

A few moments later, the traffic still wasn't getting them anywhere. So, Lisa decided to call someone to just come and pick up drive their car out of the traffic. They can't wait any longer. They decided to just walk the distance. Anyway, it wasn't that far anymore. They can manage to get their on if they begin walking or running. If not, they might get late but just a bit.

When the driver Lisa called finally arrived, they left the car under his care. Then she carried Nouvelle and she begun running with Jennie.

"Next time, remind me to bring flat shoes in case something like this happen again." Jennie said because high heels sure isn't ideal in situations like that.

"It's better if this doesn't happen again." Lisa said and chuckled.

"This is why I always tell the both of you to be an hour early in events or occasions." The little girl said while shaking her head.

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