Chapter 45: Money, Wands and Pipes Oh My

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n) where have you been?" Hermione asked him.

"I've been... entertaining?" (Y/n) said not sounding to sure of himself. "Well I've been lighting things on fire to the amusement of a bunch of warlocks."

"So is that what all that ruckus was then?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I made a pretty good haul as well" he said pulling three pouches of money out of his arm. "In total 54 galleons, 113 sickles, 26 knuts" he then stuck his hand back into his arm. "Three pipes, quite of bit of various tobaccos, and a wand"

"You stole another wand?" Harry asked him exasperatedly.

"Correction" (Y/n) said proudly fumbling around inside his arm. "Two wands."

"Why do you always nick things mate?" Harry asked him.

"Because it's fun" (Y/n) said with a shrug. "I'll return them later... most of it anyway" he added quieter. "Anyway what happened to you Hermione are you okay?"

"Yeah I think I am. For now anyway, I just escaped from Mclaggen" she explained.

"What did he do?" (Y/n) asked her in a serious tone.

"Nothing terrible, he just cornered me after you left and then wouldn't leave me alone." Hermione said looking over her shoulder. "He just wouldn't stop talking about himself, everything was about how amazing he was, and a hundred greatest saves by Cormac. He must've waited till after you left to talk to me" her explained to all of them. 

"Well then it looks like I've got a giant cock to murder" (Y/n) muttered.

"At least he's gone for now" Hermione said. "But if he does come back...." She shuddered and trailed off at the thought of it.

"Don't worry Mione, if he comes back he won't be speaking anymore." (Y/n) added cracking his knuckles. "Let's see just how impressive he is."

"Well he's gone for know let's just enjoy this while we can" Luna said dreamily.

"Ah Harry my boy!" Slughorn boomed, appearing out of nowhere, which was a surprising feat for someone his size.

"Harry just who I was looking for, I was just talking about how well you've been doing in Potions" Slughorn told them.

"I was just saying the Severus.." and he stuck out his arm and appeared to scoop professor Snape out of thin air to his side.

(Y/n) could see the look of horror on Harry's face.

"Stop sculling Severus and join us this is supposed to be a party you know... although you never were one for parties were you?" Slughorn said to Snape.

"I was just talking about Harry's exception potion skills" Slughorn said smiling at Harry.

Snape look down his hooked nose at grey with distain, before giving (Y/n) a slight smile.

"I had the impression that I never managed to teach Potter anything. (L/n) on the other hand showed potential and skill from the beginning" Snape told Slughorn. 

"Well then it must be natural ability" Slughorn cried delighted. "You should've seen Harry's draught of living death, even better that's yours I'd dare say" he continued with a laugh, which caused Snape to scowl.

"Really" Snape said quietly glaring at Harry. "I would expect that from someone with the brain cells to pull it off like perhaps (L/n) here, but not Potter."

"Umm professor" (Y/n) said to Slughorn. "I think there's something over there that needs your attention, some kind of distraction or something like that" (Y/n) said pointing across the room causing Slughorn to turn and look.

"Now's your chance professor, RUN FOR IT!" (Y/n) muttered to Snape.

"Thank you (Y/n)" Snape muttered back, before disappearing into the crowd.

Just then there was a commotion as the door of the office burst open.

"Get your hands off me you filthy squib" Draco Malfoy said as he tried to squirmed out of Filch's grip.

"I caught this one lurking in an upstairs corridor, he says he was invited to your party" Filch told Slughorn wheezing. "Did you send him an invite?"

"I don't recall..." Slughorn said not looking at him.

"Alright I wasn't-" Malfoy started before he was cut off.

"There you are Draco" Grace called from the crowd. "I was wondering where you were. You got lost didn't you?"

(Y/n) something was off, as for a split second Draco looked just as confused as (Y/n) felt 

"Ah yes well yeah I uh yeah I got lost Grace" replied Draco smiling.

"Yeah I thought so well that's that mystery solved then isn't it?" Grace said smiling brightly at the room around her.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now