What Really Happened On Buthalla

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Obi-Wan's pov
Anakin heard. Everyone heard she's back. I stood in the doorway of the council chambers looking at Anakin worriedly rushing up to each council member asking if they knew where Asalyn would be. I need to tell Anakin what the council said. If Anakin talks to Asalyn now at the height of her emotions she'll tell him everything which is exactly what the council wants. I have to tell Anakin because it's my duty as a loyal member of the Jedi council. Anakin has to ask Asalyn about it because of his duty to me. But if Asalyn doesn't tell him anything willingly then the council can't really be mad at anyone now can they?

"Anakin!" I yelled, for once not in a stern or why would you do this way. Anakin saw me standing there and jogged over. Every master looked back at me knowingly. Some apologized for making me do this with simply the look in their eyes. Other gave a firm nod, not seeing the error in their ways. To them, doing a job we were made for never deserved sympathy. Depa would be diving to find Asalyn right now too if she wasn't busy taking care of her padawan, Anakin's and Asalyn's.

"Master, good. I know you stuck up for Asalyn in there. Do you know where she went?" Stuck up for Asalyn? Does he perhaps already know what really happened on Buthalla? How Asalyn managed to wipe out an entire gender of the Buthallic population?

"If I had to guess, for your room." Anakin nodded and tried to take off again. Always on the move. I barely finished my sentence before he so rudely decided to not be interested in the going nowhere further with the conversation.

"Anakin wait!" He stumbled and turned around remaining where he was in the middle of the hall. All ages of Jedi walking by me as Anakin stood in the center of everything.

"Do you know what happened on Buthalla?"

"Do you know why I'm Asalyn's best friend?" Same age? Opposite personalities? Same traumatic past circumstances? The list goes on yet somehow he wasn't thinking of anything I formed in my mind.

"I don't judge. I don't know what you are about to ask of me this time Master, but I know it requires judging. So just save us all a headache and go take a nap." A smile suddenly reached the corners of my newly upturned lips. Anakin was as surprised as I was. A nap doesn't sound too terrible.

"You are right." And I was so proud to say those words. For once Anakin was seriously right. The whole ideal of this side mission was just simply, plainly put, flat-out wrong. I knew it. I know it. But how am I supposed to make everybody happy?

"Go help a friend, my padawan." Three masters who chose to stay behind were tucked inside the council chambers invisible to Anakin's eye. It was most likely for the best he couldn't see their obvious displeasure from where this conversation has went.

"Best friend, Master. Thank you." And just like that Anakin was off to his room to help his bestest friend. I looked behind me to see Windu and Tiin glaring at where Anakin once was or the back of my head. Master Yoda sat comfortably in his specialized seat smirking in between the two. I smiled and bowed my head shortly at Master Yoda and Master Yoda only before taking my leave as well. Luckily all my friends quarters were in the same general direction. Perhaps Depa could use a visit after today's events? Well never mind. We just spoke briefly not too long ago and I am thoroughly exhausted. Maybe my own quarters will do for now. The automatic door right next to Anakin's room zipped open to reveal Asalyn sitting at the foot of my bed. Head in her crumpled up hands, pillow soaked with a few lone tears sitting peacefully in her lap. To think, all I wanted was a nap and some hot leafy tea.

Asalyn's pov
Obi-Wan just kept holding me upright tightly in his arms. I thought I went into Anakin's room but I guess I undershot it. When I walked in it was empty which was perfect for the feeling in my heart. Al I felt now was a hollow space anxiously waiting to be filled by telling g the truth paired to the horrendous lies I've told. Obi-Wan knocked on Anakin's door and he opened it experiencing a flurry of emotions within the two seconds Obi-Wan gave Anakin to process it all. After Anakin replaced Obi-Wan at my side he left to go make some tea for me. And himself too. He always told us as kids tea helped us sleep better.

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