The Student Becomes The Master

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*this chapter is revised*

Asalyn's pov
"I repeat Axel, the capital is secure." I spoke into the com. Caleb was sweating and panting beside me.

"You okay there kid?" He tried to talk but all he could do was nod and pant. I giggled as I put my com link away. After a few moments he finally gathered up enough breath to ask a question.

"How are you not tired? You're the one who did most of the work after all. I just took car rod anything about to sneak up on you." I laughed some more amd shrugged at him.

"I didn't do all the work. Although no one snuck up on me I just knew you need something to do. In result you saved my life at least twice. Besides, a Jedi builds up endurance eventually. All it takes is practice." He sighed and caught some more breath.

"What do you mean endurance?" I laughed even more but accidentally made him feel bad.

"I'm sorry Caleb. Your just such a surprisingly excellent Jedi padawan I keep forgetting your so young. The more endurance you have is the more energy you have you keep going no matter how tired you are. Trust me, being my former mast- I mean just Master's padawan you'll get plenty of that." He nodded and smiled at me.

"Now come on. We best be going." He nodded and followed me out. We walked out of the capital to a floor littered with inoperative droid bodies and the occasional clone one too. I sighed I came across a patch of dead clones lying on the ground and hunched over each other. But I remembered what Caleb had told me earlier. We can honor the fallen soldiers later. Right now we need to focus on the ones still breathing. We continue to walk until finally coming across Axel and the others.

"So General. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easy was it?" Ash asked me as he strolled over with the others.

"How easy? Probably about a 13." They all chuckled and Axel took off his helmet.

"In all seriousness, good work out there General. You too kid." Caleb blushed slightly at the praise. He probably wasn't used to it. My masters troopers are serious men unlike the 338th. Honestly I blushed too but it wasn't because of the praise in general. Just staring into Axel's glowing brown orbs with the small little golden flecks in them that nobody else's, not even his exact twin brother's contained. Let's just say it is enough to make any girl swoon. I composed myself and smiled at him. I could hear Griffin chuckling behind Ash. A small glare over Axel's shoulder was enough to shut him up though.

"Thank you Axel. You and the rest of the men did outstanding as well. I-Im sorry for your losses." He put a hand on my shoulder. I just stared at it for a little while until his other hand found my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes once again.

"Hey. They're our losses. Don't apologize for them. These men are prepared to die for the Republic. They knew the consequences of battle. War does not come with a guarantee." That made me wonder. Why do we have this war in the first place? Thousand- no millions of lives could have been prevented if only-

"General? You ready?" They all stared at me expectantly. Even Caleb. Are we just gonna ignore what happened with Axel just now? Really?

"Where too Commander?" Guess we are.

"I don't know. Where should we start looking for the colonists?" I asked him. He just looked at me funny. Did I say something wrong?

"I don't know it's your call." I scoffed.

"You're my Commander though. I'm still new at this, I want your opinion. Tell me where you think we should start."

"If I may General-" Oscar started but I stopped him with my hand.

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