A New General

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*this chapter has been revised*

Hey guys! This picture above is of the new character I'm introducing named Axel. Just imagine the armor paint is the same turquoise to match Asalyn's attire.

I'm so excited to be writing this book and I hope you all continue on with it. I will not stop writing until I drop dead. Which (fingers crossed) will be awhile from now. Now let's get to it!

Commander Axel's pov
"What!?!" I exclaimed. I felt a huge mixture of emotions boil up inside me. Anger that one of my best friends has kept something of this importance from me until just now, happiness that General Krell is leaving, but most of all fear. Fear that this new General will be worse then our current one. And trust me that is hard to do. Krell is the absolute worst. Well as far as we know.

"You heard me Axel. Look I know a new general is the last thing we need right now after dealing with..." Oscar sighed. We both frowned and hung our heads down recalling what had happened 3 hours ago.

"You know what I mean. But I didnt even tell you the worst part. And don't tell Griffin I told you this but the rumor is our new general is-" he leaned closer to me and whispered:

"Is a girl. An inexperienced, newly knighted, teenage, girl." I tried my hardest not to gasp but it just slipped out.

"Oh dear gods were gonna die. Do any of the other boys know?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

"Just Gener- former general Krell, you and me. An hour ago after the battle I went to inform former general Krell of the heavy losses when I walked in on a holo call between the former general and general Windu and General Billaba." I nodded my head as I processed the information. That's when I heard a loud engine roaring overhead. I looked up to see three Republic cruisers.

"Oh good our reinforcements have arrived. I've just been itching to kill some clankers after what they did!" My other friend Ash exclaimed. We looked way up to the cruiser expecting multiple gunships to fly down at any minute now. But nothing came. We waited and waited for what seemed like hours until finally a single gunship burst through the cruiser's doors.

"Wait. You don't think it's..." Oscar trailed off but he didn't have to finish his sentence. I knew where he was going with it.

"It can't be. General Krell would at least stay until the battle was won. Right?" I said/asked almost not sure of the answer. No one on the base or anywhere liked General Krell but at least he had experience. Some of my men curiously walked up to the gunship that had just landed. The blast doors were shut as if they were anticipating an attack or something. I gulped down my fear. Whoever it is I'm sure it'll be just fine. Everyone heard loud footsteps. Most of the men scattered when they heard it but me and my best men immediately assumed to position when we saw Gen- former general Krell.

"Attention!" I shouted to the remaining boys: Claw, Oscar, Stitch, Ash, Griffin and I. (All of which will be introduced later) Krell waltzed up to the gunship and just stood there waiting. I couldn't help but feel like he was happy to get rid of us and dump us off on someone else. I sighed but went straight back to a firm expression when I realized I wasn't wearing my helmet. Oh kriff. Some first impression I'll make if it is the general. Not that it matters. Finally the blast doors to the gunship opened and we were all met with a pleasant surprise. Two beautiful faces. One was an older lady that had to be at least in her 30's but the young one stuck out to me. The younger one looked to be an older teenager about 18 or 19. Maybe 20. She had long flowy hazel brown hair, beautiful penetrating brown eyes same color as her hair and delicate slightly pink cheeks to top it all off. She. Is. Beautiful. I turned to my left to see Griffin giving her an obvious look of hunger. I elbowed him in the gut. He winced and glared at me.

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