We'll Be Back One Day

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Asalyn's POV
"Alright Kaj, I've had enough. Spill." She groaned and dramatically rolled off the log, across the floor and hopped up.

"No. I don't want to spoil all the fun."

"What fun!? Ugh I hate being left in the dark."

"Didn't you say jedi weren't aloud to hate?"

"Yeah well I'm a special case. Now tell me pleeeeeeeeeease!!! You've spent 6 hours by your sewing kit. I know somethings up." She rolled her eyes but smirked.

"Fine. You want to know what I've been sewing. Come see for yourself." I got up from my seat and waltzed over to where she was in the small kitchen.

I gasped and stumbled back.

"No! It- I- but how!? That can't be what I think it is... is it?" She nodded and gave me a cheeky grin.

"Yep." She replied popping the p. I gapsed but grinned again.

"My old tradress?" She nodded up and down rapidly. We both did a short girly squeal. Okay that's a lie. We did a long high-pitched squeal. I felt like a five year old again. And now I finally realized why Kaji had spent almost a whole night sewing. She made an exact replica of the same dress I wore to tribe parties when I was 5.

"Kaj I dont know what to say!"

"Then I'll say it for you. As an honor to you and the clone twins we will be hosting a goodbye loop party for you tonight in a few hours. There you will also get your... fun surprise." The way she said the last part deeply concerned me. I could try but Kaji isn't the type to give up private info easily. And I know better then to pry information from her.

"Ooookaaaaay. So when is this not-so surprise party anyhow?"

"In an hour or two."

"AN HOUR!?! But I'm not even close to being ready I still need to apply the purple face paint and the purple tradress and find the purple slippers and-" she put her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her.

"Relax. I've been doing this since I was in diapers. You of all people should know that." I scoffed.

"Yeah. Especially since I'm the one who changed them. But how are you going to make me presentable. I need everything to be... p-p"


"No. Purple! All my clothes are aqua and black. Even my robes wouldnt be acceptable!" She hardened her grip on my shoulder blades and that caught my attention. She grabbed the top and bottom part of my tradress and back walked me out of the kitchenette. She sat me down on a log.

"Alright something's up. Why are you so jumpy today?" I looked away. Coukd I tell her I've been on edge because of Axel? It's not Axel himself that's got me on edge though. Dont get me wrong I love Axel even if I haven't officially said it, I do. It's the secret that's got me on edge. I mean sure weve got Anakin and Stitch, and maybe Ahsoka suspects something but I cant risk entrusting anyone else with this secret... can I? Ugh!

"I-Im in a rel- ... real state if panic. Yeah! Yeah I'm panicking because I want to be accepted throughout the tribe again! And if I'm not exceptionally purple like the rest of the tribe then I wont be excepted." I amuled the most fake unconvincing smile I've ever smile din my life. But despite not seeing each other for the bulk of our lives we still know each other. I know not to pry information out of her, and she knows not to pry any from me. Were sisters. We trust each other to speak truth when the time is right. And that's what I'll do. I'll tell her when the time is right.

"If you insist. Oh by the way your Commander is with Grandmother. The other two twins are with Goji. They've been plotting something in his bedroom for awhile now. Sometimes I can hear the evil cackles." I visibly grimaced. Oscar? Plotting? That doesnt sound right. Now Ash plotting? 100%. But Oscar? Either he's being held against his will or he actually supports the plot. Maybe both? Oh my force I need some sleep!

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