Delaying The Inevitable

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I am giving R2 he/him pronouns because I feel so bad calling the most relatable droid it. So yeah I hope you're okay with that and if you arent, oh well. Sorry I guess.

Asalyn's POV
In lamest terms: I need a nap. A week long nap.

"You boys ready to go?" I shouted through the door of the bridge hoping somebody could hear me by chance. For some reason our PA system in the ship wasn't working. Oh I know! It's because one big lovable brutie boy decided it would be best to have a battle with a creature 40 times larger than himself while in the landing process. Damn I miss him already. The doors opened to the bridge and Axel walked in.

"Hello there, my pretty General." Well he must be alone.

"I hope your not expecting a compliment in return. I've run out of good things to say about people." When he finally approached the seat next to me he could finally get a good look at me. A soft gasp escaped his shocked facial expression.

"See? Not so pretty now am I." His worried eyes scanned my face. My bloodshot eyes were now more visible than ever cause I had to wipe my concealing products off my face. I was never one for makeup but it can be quite useful to cover up lack of sleep. The bags under my eyes were heavy enough to carry my entire legion of men. Even my skin has lost it's usual glow it naturally has.

"You're right. You aren't pretty." Sorry what did he just say? The audacity to call me something I already called myself!? I stood up in my seat, furious.

"Excuse you! I know I just said I wasn't pretty but you are supposed to tell me that no matter that I'll always be the most pretty woman in the galaxy! Not agree with me! I know you're new to this whole boyfruend thing but jeez this is just common sense and wow I'm getting dizzy!" With no warning my knees buckled beneath me. I fell back in my chair hard, ghe only cushion provided was Axel lightly tugging my arms.

"Thanks for nothing, pretty boy. See I can lie about prettiness too!" Did I say prettiness or pettiness? Wait were we talking about again?

"Sorry to make you upset but it's true. You are not pretty." I scoffed and drifted my head away from Axel. Either did that on purpose or my head was just swaying uncontrollably.

"To say you are pretty, Asalyn, would be the understatement of the millenia. Calling a woman of your rare purity just pretty would be considered the worst crume one could possibly commit. To call a woman as gorgeously, amazingly, breathtakingly beautiful as yourself would get me locked up for life." Even while both of us are exhausted he still manages to make me blush. If anhone wants to judge me, how ablut they have a hamdsome man tell them what they've wanted to hear since forever.

"You are the most radiant, dreamy, badass woman to exist in the entire universe! Not only because of your stunning unmatched beauty, though that certainly helps, what makes you so irresistibly attractive is your personality." It was like a waterfall of compliments. It felt so amazing to be given such wonderful things said about me with knowing I wouldn't be forced to do or say anything in return.

"I admire every single thing about you. I think that I'll be out of a job one day because of you. Wait no- not because of you. I'd happily leave my job for you." That I couldn't stay quiet to.

"But you love this job. It's why you wake up in the morning!" As my voice got louder it strained, and hurt more. Axel noticed so he gently pressed my head to the back of the seat.

"Not anymore. Now the reason I wake up in the morning is sittimg next to me. Actually she even wakes up next to me too. Next to me when everything happens, good or bad. But this mysterious reason can't be ready for our next adventure together if she's the hot sleep deprived mess she is right now." Laughter bubbled up in my throat which hurt almost as much as raising my voice did. Not only was I sleep deprived, I was hungry, thirsty, and overall not in the proper attitude to have intelligent conversations right now between Axel and I that only one of us would remember when we wake up.

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