Battle of Florrum

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Just a heads up, this is the end of R2 come home and all of Lethal Trackdown so this is gonna be a long one. Hope you enjoy 😉

Asalyn's POV
Ahsoka and I stuck together throughout the whole madness of Plo ordering around the men to hop in the gunships. I wanted to stay with Breezy really bad because I didn't want him to feel lost or alone being the only 338th trooper here. Luckily Ahsoka promised to stay with me. The entire time we waited for Plo and oghers to board we kept doing the specific breathing exercises. This time we made sure to include Breezy as well. Poor guy was already tense as hell.

"Master Plo, are we arriving on the Vanqor surface soon?" Ahsoka ran to ask him. As he calmly walked with an unreadable race thanks to the mask and unremovable mask and goggle lile things aroumd his mouth and eyes.

"Wait a minute more little Soka. We are almost there. All the men are ready and the gunships are bkarded as well in case of hostiles." That didn't seem to instill a ton of confidence in either of us so Master Plo quickly backtracked it.

"However it is highly unlikely they wouldn't have already defeated any hostiles near." Plo quickly added. Ahsoka and I glanced at each other with the same fear in our eyes. It's not that we don't trust Anakin to make it out of a rough situation, cause we do. What Ahsoka fears as much as I though is how qualified the hostiles Master Plo mentioned are. I also didn't feel like being the one to yell Pacme she's a widow now.

"What do you mean they?" Ahsoka asked.

"General Windu accompanied Anakin on the mission." Ahsoka and I both rolled our eyes. Of course that "old fart" as my master would put it had to be here. Technically Windu is my grandmaster since he taught Depa as a padawan. I refused to think of him that way though. To me, Windu was just another conceited old ass who happened to have some talent with the force. After what seemed like an eternity, Plo tapped his com link.

"Admiral open the main hangar doors." Finally Breezy started up the launch sequence. I stared through the little window as he worked. He looked back at me funny before sliding his helmet on and pressing the button to make the small window close so I couldn't see him anymore. I huffed and looked back to Ahsoka snickering at my situation.

"What do you find so funny?" I asked her. She was still laughing and hiccuping inbetween.

"Uh, nothing! Oh look were approaching Vanqor!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the rope closer to Plo and Ahsoka. I closed my eyes and reached put to Anakin through our force bond. R2 who was in the ship beeped, telling us in droid the two jedi were straight ahead.

"Tell the other gunships to fall back. I sense no threat is here. Anakin is at the head of the bridge, the ship needs to get as close as possible because the entire deck is about to collapse." Master Plo looked at me but didn't move to inform anyone else over the com. Ahsoka snorted as she pointed to the com device Plo was holding up to my mouth.


"Now Master Zelena, why would I tell them when you've already told them to yourself?" Plo asked with obvious teasing sarcasm. I crossed my arms and grabbed the dangling rope farthest away from both of the giggling jedi. We were coming up on the ship in a heartbeat. Before I knew it Breezy was pullimg the brakes. The gunship stopped directly in front of the smashed bridge windows. I could sense him. They were so close.

"They're in the bridge. I can sense them." Master Plo took my word for it. The men fired their ascension cables but i put my hands on their shoulders to stop them from jumping over.

"Don't bother boys." I leaped over to the broken bridge, immediately spotting Anakin and Windu trapped under a mountain of rubble. One foot on the bridge and the other on the gunship. I used one hand to liff up the entire pile of rubble and gently setting it down in the back of the bridge to balamce put the ship more while I used my other hand to pull Anakin and Windu out there swiftly and quickly.

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