Sacrifices Will Not Be In Vain

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Commander Axel's pov
I marched down the corridors to the main bridge.

"Greetings Admiral. Have you seen the General anywhere?" He took a minute to think about it.

"Can't say that I have Commander. Maybe she went to the mess hall?" I nodded and did a short bow.

"Thank you sir. I'll be sure to check there." I said one last thank you before leaving the way I came. After we arrived on the main Cruiser it seems like no one has seen her or knows where she's gone. I opened the door to the cafeteria and saw many of my brothers in shinies armour or tinted armour painted aqua.

"Hey Axey!" I flipped my head around from behind to see Claw and Ash.

"Ash! You know I don't like it when you call me by my stupid baby name!" I cried a little too loudly. The entire cafeteria turned and stared at me. All I had the energy to do was stare back. Luckily Claw had enough decency to shut the door for me. I sighed. Thank god for Claw.

"Thanks buddy."

"No problem Axel." I took off my helmet and placed it in my arm.

"Oh hey. Have you seen the General?" Then Griffin came up to us. I did not like the smirk on his face.

"Hey guys. What are we talking about?" Oh boy.

"The General."

"Oh are we? Well what about her?" Griffin bounced his eyebrows up and down and elbowed me in the side. I glared and growled in response.

"I bet Axey over here, was telling you how pretty he thinks she is."


"The Commander likes the General?" Ash laughed out.

"No I-"

"Oh yeah. He loves her!" I growled but I felt my cheeks getting warmer. I had to put back on my helmet to hide my involuntary blush that crept across my face. Why is this happening to me?

"No Griffin. I do not like Asalyn like that and you know it! Ash, Claw don't listen to him. I would never disobey the rules." They all laughed.

"Dont worry Axel. I know the truth. I think I saw the General headed down the east corridors." I sighed in relief.

"Thanks Claw. And for the record I'm telling Asalyn all about your stupid jokes." I was about to leave when Griffin called me out on my accidental slip up.

"I'm sorry. I must be hearing you wrong because I swore you just said the word 'General' wrong." Kriff. I called her Asalyn didn't I? Ash started laughing and Griffin soon joined him. But I was thankful that Claw was scowling at the sight. Once Ash finally calmed down he looked at me again.

"Why'd you call her Asalyn anyway? Aren't troopers always supposed to address their superiors by rank and last name?" I tried to think of a half way decent excuse but all I could do was stutter.

"Look it was under her order. She told me to call her Asalyn. And you know me, not one to disobey orders." I chuckled nervously. That was such a lie. I tried to leave but Claw grabbed my wrist.

"Axel? You don't actually have a thing for the General, do you?" Claw asked me sort of in a hush whisper. I shook away from his grasp.

"Its not allowed."

"So you don't deny it?"

"Of course I- you know what. I am way to tired for this conversation. Goodbye." I walked away briskly to the east corridors. Stupid Ash. Stupid Griffin. They don't understand that it is against the rules. All clones are forbidden any relationship of any sort. So even if I did like her like that, which I don't, I couldn't do anything about it. Why is Claw the only one who remotely understands? I ran into someone and stumbled back.

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