A Jedi In Need

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*this chapter has been revised*

Hi guys. So just a heads up. Asalyn gets a wardrobe upgrade in this chapter and here is what it is:

Btw your welcome for making her look so awesome (the art is not my own even though I have modified the color and design to be more fitting for my character) and just to clear up the confusion

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Btw your welcome for making her look so awesome (the art is not my own even though I have modified the color and design to be more fitting for my character) and just to clear up the confusion. Asalyn is pronounced (Ace-lin)

Asalyn's pov
"Are we there yet?" I asked slightly impatiently to the men below the deck by the control panels.

"Yes sir. Were exiting hyperspace in 3... 2..." He pulled back the main lever. We went out of hyperpsacebto see something I had hoped to never have to witness: War.

"Admiral, where is General Skywalker and Commander Tano? Are they even here yet?" I asked frantically. Admiral Lenon walked closer and grabbed my shoulders.

"General. You must remain calm. I'm sure General Skywalker will be here any minute but we can't sit around and wait for him. What are your orders for the troops?" He asked. Although I couldn't comprehend what exactly he was saying. I was too focused on the Republic cruiser bursting in flames.

"General!" I heard the commander yell. I turned to him. He gently shoved the Admiral aside and replaced his grip on my shoulders.

"Asalyn, just relax. We need you to stay calm. You want to save your jedi friend from the seppies don't you? You can only do that by giving us good orders. Focus on the task at hand. You got this!" I nodded and smiled. Just as I was about to speak three ships came out of hyperspace. A few gunships came out of the head cruiser. That's it!

"We need to wait one more second Admiral. But be ready."

"WHAT!?! Are you out of your mind!?"

"Maybe. But I don't want to put any more lives at stake then we have too. Anakin has sent his gunships and I'm waiting to see if he'll provide the means for escape and where he's headed too. Patience is key Admiral, patience." I replied. I saw a blue blade ignite and dive head first into the Cruiser that looks the most unstable at the moment. I didn't even have to think to know that was Anakin and that's where Master Secura is. I also saw a small Corellion ship head to that lower hangar as well. They must be with Anakin.

"I know what to do. Admiral, prepare one small gunship too take me and only a few men down to that cruiser. Commander Axel, select a few of your best men and meet me down at the hangar as soon as possible." With those final words I ran off to my private quarters. If I'm going into a battle this serious then I need to be comfortable. And these fancy smancy jedi robes would just slow me down. I grabbed the first thing a saw in it that I liked and threw it on as quick as possible. I didn't even stop too look what I had put on. All I know is it's part black like my robes and part turquoise like my men's clone armour. I dashed down the corridors with sharp turns until I reached my destination. I saw exactly what I wanted to. Commander Axel, Griffin, and Ash were waiting for me inside the gunship. I offered them all a soft smile which they quickly returned. Then beckoned me forward onto the ship and I happily obliged. I hopped on board and made the blast shield doors close with the force.

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