Battle Of The Unknown Regions

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Asalyn's POV
"Okay so give it to me one more time but simpler." I rolled my eyes at Axel.

"Master Yoda has given us a new assignment in unknown territory. The only problem is it's not unknown to me. The coordinates he gave me are exactly above my home planet where my family is but he doesn't know that. And let's just say I didn't exactly leave them on good terms. Or more specifically my mother." We were in my quarters aboard the Sacrifice on our way to the coordinates.

"Well I don't see why that's such a huge problem if were only supposed to just examine the coordinates he gave you. Were only there to look for Seperatist activity not to do a meet and greet with your apparently kriffed up family." I said. She clicked her tongue and shot me a 'oh no you didn't' look.

"My family isn't the problem. It's just my mother."

"Care to elaborate on that?" He asked. I sighed and took a deep breath in. Preparing the right words.

"Because my mother is the one who sold me into slavery. She did it to save herself from such fate. And when your a young impressional female, slavery is not a good place to be. Especially when you... mature later on. I'm lucky Master Shaak Ti found me when she did or I would've forever been a Zygerrian slave." He scooted closer to me and pecked my lips.

"If you want to tell me more I'll listen. Besides I think it would be good for you to talk about it with someone you can trust." I gave him a soft smile. He really is the best boyfriend ever.

"Alright. It happened when I was 5. It happened so suddenly too. I was living my best life in my home planet of Adonis with my mom, grandmother, and little sister who was only a month younger. Until one day pirates raided our little village. I don't remember all the details since it was so long ago. But I do remember hearing the words from my mom to 'take my daughter but spare me' or something similar. They did. I was sold to the Zygerrian Empire. I don't know how Master Shaak Ti did it but she snuck in and freed me herself and brought me to the Temple where I truly belonged. By the time she found me I was already 7 years old. It took a lot of time and training to build up my confidence again. Not to mention the bully I had at the temple. He didn't make things any easi-" I was interrupted as we were jolted out of hyperspace. When the jolting stopped I tapped my com link

"Admiral what just happened?"

"Out of fuel. We didn't quite make it to the coordinates but it's less then a parsec away. However it will take awhile to refuel the Sacrifice." I shook my head even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Not good enough Admiral. I want to finish our mission as soon as possible and get out of here. What ships are available?"

"Just a few gunships and 4 star fighters a- oh no. You aren't thinking about taking those fighters are you?" I mulled it over. I turned to Axel who was smirking wildly at me.

"Yes as a matter of fact I am Admiral. I'll get my pilots rounded up and we can check out the area for Seperatist acrivity. You just stay here and refuel. Well be back before you know it."

"General I really must object I-"

"Don't have time for this? Well then I won't keep you busy. Goodbye Admiral." I shut off my com link and turned to Axel.

"You up to be my pilot?"

"You should know by now that I'd do anything for you." I gave him a smug smile.

"Who else you planning on taking?" He asked me. I put a hand to my chin and hummed.

"Definitely not Griffin. He's so bad at flying he'll probably end up hurdling toward a sun, again." We both chuckled a minute.

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