A Short Lived Victory

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*this chapter has been revised*

Hi peoples. Me again....I bet your thrilled. Anywho just wanted to say hey. Now please enjoy the new chapter...

Asalyn's pov
We parked the separatist tank a few miles away from our actual Republic base so we should be safe from any surprise attacks. I walked on the dirty rocky ground with my men right behind me. I marched up to my master.

"Well done Asalyn. You have made me one proud master today. I always knew you would be a great leader. One day."

"Well then I suppose that day has come." She chuckled.

"Indeed. Now come. It is time for you to meet your admiral and your new cruiser." Just hearing the word 'cruiser' made me beam with excitement. Ever since my master got hers I've absolutely loved it the idea of having one myself to call home.

"A Republic Cruiser!? As in the one like your jedi cruiser the Delicate!? Really!?" I heard snickering behind me but I didn't care. I'm getting my own cruiser!!!

"Yes my former padawan. But I'm afraid I cannot accompany you too your new cruiser. I must take my one-man fighter and head back to the jedi temple on Coruscant." Why?

"Okay master. May I ask why?" She sighed deeply. I gave her a puzzled look.

"I was hoping to tell you after you were more settled in but I suppose you deserve to know. The jedi council believes that I should receive a new padawan." I froze. That was the only thing I felt like doing. Freezing. After a few awkward moments of silence passed I gathered up enough courage to ask the question on the tip of my tongue.

"Your replacing me?" Just because I asked the question doesn't mean I wasn't deathly afraid of the answer.

"No Asalyn. No one in a thousand light years could replace you. But it is apart of a jedi masters responsibility to train the next generation of jedi. Who knows, maybe one day you'll have a jedi padawan yourself?" I internally groaned.

"Oh please master. Not this again! Six hours ago I became a jedi knight. Three hours ago I became a General. And now your suggesting I be a master too?"

"Well...? No I guess not." I huffed.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me I have a cruiser to see and an admiral to meet. I hope you and my replacement get along well. Men, follow me." I strutted away. I don't know where I was going but I needed to get away from that situation. That was the first time I yelled at her like th- scratch that. Second time. The first time I yelled at her was when she accused me and Anakin of being 'more then friends'. Spoiler alert: she was wrong. At the time I couldn't stand that cocky, stuck up spoiled prince. But now were good friends. My thoughts were interrupted when one of my troopers ran up to me.

"General! We just recieved a transmission from Admiral Lenon. He says he will be here any minute with the fleet and we are to immediately depart once on board." Hmm. Curious. I wonder why we need to depart immediately? Once again my thoughts were interrupted by a loud buzzing sound overhead. My new cruiser! It opened the main hanger door and a few gunships flew down and landed in front of us. The blastdoors opened revealing a middle aged man. The man wore a faded green admiral's suit, had dark brown hair with a hazelnut eyes. He stepped forward with frown plastered upon his face.

"Greetings. I am Admiral Lenon. Pardon me young one, but do you know where I can find a jedi knight with the last name of Zelena?" I tried my best not to laugh. Just as I was about to reply Commamder Axel interrupted me for the 3rd time today.

"Actually sir your looking at her. Admiral Lenon meet General Asalyn Zelena. General, this is your new Admiral, Lenon."

"Yeah I got that. But thanks anyways." He nodded and backed away a little bit. But I could sense under his helmet he was smiling and chuckling.

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