Controversial Opinions

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Hey peoples it's been awhile. So anyways I wanted to tell you to watch the video above. It is absolutely insanely hilarious I laughed for 4 hours after watching it. Although I must give a minor language warning. Anyways please enjoy!

Asalyn's POV
I stared at the beast who had did it. The beast who killed my mother. How could this happen? I just got my whole family back and now I'm losing them again? I just willed myself to forgive her and she's already gone? How is this fair? How is any of this fair!? Kaji was in tears and quietly sobbing on the floor. Grandmother and Goji were standing above her staring at the floor. I clenched my fists and let out a low growl.


"I'm fine Axel. I just need... some rest, Is all. If you'll excuse me." I tried to walk away but apparently he wouldn't have that.

"No. This is bothering you. More then your letting us see. You know you can always talk to me right?" I whispered a quick no and shook my head.

"Not here. Not with all these people around. I'll tell you later. Just let me go." I whispered back. He sighed and let go of my hand. I grabbed Kaji and Grandmother. I may not of been here awhile but I know my peoples tradition. Afterall my mother taught it to me before I could talk.

"Alright. What are we going to do to remember her?" Grandmother and Kaji looked at each other before smiling at me. I wiped a tear off of Kaji's rosy pink cheeks.

Axel's POV
Something is wrong with her I know it. I didn't think she cared for her mom but I guess I was wrong. Then again, we clones don't have parents so I guess I can't really relate. She needs her actual family on this one. I softly smiled and put a hand on the one they call Goji's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He looked down at me, then over to Oscar, then Ash.

"Who are you exactly?" He asked.

"My name is Commander Axel of the GAR and these are my men, Oscar and Ash." I said motioning to the two of them.

"And how do you know sister?" I assumed he was referring to Asalyn so I thought it'd be best not to answer with an 'I love her'.

"She's our General." I decided was the best phrasing.

"And our friend." Ash added. Oscar elbowed him in the side. They had a whisper yell conversation and laughed nervously at the end.

"Well thank you Axel. We should probably go back to the cave. I'm sure the rest of them are already over there." I looked at Oscar and Ash who were equally confused as I was.

"If you don't mind me asking, what cave?" He smiled softly and looked up at the sky.

"The Cave Of Remembrance. It's a part of our tradition to honor loved ones by creating a shrine of pictures and special items they liked. Then each person gets time alone with it to say their last words to the fallen person and moves on." Goji explained to us. I nodded to show I understood although that seemed a little complex in my opinion. But their tradition is tradition.

"Sounds good." Maybe that is just what Asalyn needs. Ash, Oscar and I followed Goji to a small rocky entrance, however when you walked through it you saw an absolutely huge cave filled to the brim with pictures and all sorts of varying objects. Straight ahead I could make out three figures sitting in a meditative position. We walked over to them careful not to disturb. Asalyn popped open her eyes.

"Do you need something boys?"

"Uh no. I was wondering when the shrine will be done." Goji said. I just remained silent and watched the interaction.

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