Battle Of Coruscant

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Asalyn's pov
I was waiting anxiously with the chancellor and his blue friend. I asked him if I could escort him to the Zillo Beasts new lab. And for some reason he seemed very welcoming of me, he gave me all access to ev we trying when all I asked dfor was to see it. I'm not complaining though. I'll get to see Anakin again. And who knows, maybe even Windu will apologize. I brought Axel with me because why not. He turned away as someone spoke into his com. The only words I heard were,

"Not now Stitch!" Harshly said by Axel then static. Then I got a com beep and I accepted it.

"Hey Princess. Glad your up and about but would you consider maybe going back to the medical ward for a bit?" I was so happy to hear his voice but not as happy to hear his words.

"What!? Why?"

"Because A your supposed to be resting already, and B you don't know how dangerous this thing is. If it goes off I don't want you or Ahsoka near it. So I sent her to you." I faceplate.

"Anakin do you know where I am." I asked already knowing the answer.

"Um noooo. Wait a min- no. Tell me your not-"

"I am. Speaking of Ahsoka here she is now. I'll see you in a minute Anakin. We both will." I loved teasing him. I know he only wants us both safe but he worries to much and sometimes forgets that I'm the second most powerful knight. Next to him of course.

"Hey Asalyn." I shrieked and raised a fist ready to suckerpunch another droid. But when i turned around it was just Ahsoka. She held her hand sup in surrender.

"Whoa whoa. Just me. Anakin sent me to find you. Although truth be told I think he just wanted me away from the beast he's bringing back home." I chuckled and lowered my fist.

"You wouldn't be wrong. Wait- did you call Coruscant home?" I asked. I've never heard Anakin or Obi-wan call it home.

"Well no. The jedi temple is my home. Isn't it yours?" I was a little taken back by the question. How is it whenever she's around we end up talking about something emotional?

"Well I have many homes. My home planet, my old family, my new family, the Sacrifice, and the temple. But I guess you could say my home is with my men. Wherever they are, that's where home is to me." Ahsoka smiled.

"I know what you mean. The clones are pretty great. On and off a battlefield. Yesterday Rex gave me lekku pets. I've never felt better. Ooh and Fives taught me how to successfully prank the Wolfpack without dying!" I looked at he funny.

"What! It's harder then you think! Wolffe is ruthless." I giggled. I know what she means. The last time me and my master had a mission with him and Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe almost ripped my throat out for pronouncing his name wrong. It was quite amusing for the others to watch though.

"General. Commander. It's arrived." Axel claimed as he ran over. I nodded and ran over to Reds who was controlling the door.

"Reds, open it up." He nodded. Reds is one of the shinies who just got transported to my legion from Kamino.

"Sir yes sir." He pressed a series of buttons and slammed a fist into the big red one. The huge doors slowly started opening.

"Did I do good General?"

"That's was a very complex way to open a door. But you I did good nonetheless." I could sense a proud smirk on his face unde rgis helmet.

"Thank you sir." I flashed him a smile and we liked back toward Axel and Ahsoka.

"Aw. Did someone make a new friend." Ahsoka teased. Axel huffed.

"Aw what's wrong Axey, jealous perhaps?" Ahsoka kept her teasing tone. I couldn't help but laugh at the blush on his cheeks. He aggressively smashed his helmet back on his head. We both giggled as Axel growled.

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