Difficult Choices

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Asalyn's pov
We all walked down the halls after we sent Axel, Cody, and Rex on their way toward the lower levels of the ship. Obi-wan's anxiety was radiating off him like a strong force beacon. It's a good thing Anakin and I are the only force users on this ship.

"I will oppose the war as an affront to life itself. As the designated regent for 1,500 systems I speak for thousands of worlds that have urged me to let them remain neutral in this war." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I have no problem with peacemaking but pacifists just make me sick. They're just too afraid to get their hands dirty in my opinion. Obi-wan was the first to make his presence known.

"And yet some might argue that the best defense is a swift and decisive offense." I leaned closer to Anakin and whispered.

"Didn't even walk in the room yet and he's already flirting." He tried to hold in his laughter but a quick snort escaped. Obi-wan glared back at us. But for the first time in forever I didn't feel the pressure of being a 'perfect jedi'. I'm forced to do that enough. I can't wait to just take a rest when we arrive at Coruscant.

"Ah, you are quite the General now, aren't you Master Kenobi." I smiled and dipped my head in respect. I stepped forward a little and finally got a good look at the Duchess. And dang she was pretty.

"Forgive the intrusion your highness, we meant no disrespect." She hummed quietly for a moment before looking back at me, then Anakin, then back at the other people in the room.

"Really? Senators I presume your acquainted with the collection of half truths and hyperbole known as Obi-wan Kenobi." Did she really just- oh she's my new favorite person.q

"The Duchess is too kind."

"Your right. I am." I like her already despite her being a pacifist. Obi-wan has got my approval. And judging by the amused smirk on Anakin's face, Obi-wan also has his approval as well.

"Allow me to introduce my fellow jedi, this is General Anakin Skywalker and Asalyn Zelena." We took a stride forward before bowing.

"Your servants m'lady." I tried so hard not to laugh at the formalities. It's been awhile since that was a thing I had to do.

"Hm. I remember a time when jedi were not generals, but peacekeepers." As soon as Anakin opened his mouth I knew this was going to end badly.

"We are protectors highness, yours at the moment. We fight for peace." Oh my force. He sounds like even more of a di'kut then Obi-wan! And that is hard to do.

"What an amusing contradiction."

"Couldn't agree more your majesty." I said in the most laid back tone any of these snooty senators have heard in their life.

"Oop. Did I say that out loud?" Obi-wan was staring at me with his lips locked. Even Anakin looked dumbfounded. Wait, Anakin!? Oh hell no this apparently went way too far. If Anakin's staring you know it's bad.

"Excuse my interrupting highness, but what my friends meant was that-" Obi-wan cut me off by placing an arm around my side and tugging me back. He whisper shouted in my ear.

"She is a beast don't provoke her I swear to force it will end badly."

"Well I already knew that. Fine. You talk. It's amusing to watch anyways." He rolled his eyes and clearly wanted to protest but he just stepped away.

"What Masters Zelena and Skywalker meant is that we are acting your highness to protect you. To protect you from the death watch and the Seperatists who don't share your neutral point of view." Well I can tell he doesn't exactly share it either. Obi-wan is just better at masking his true feeling then Anakin and I.

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