Battle of Alderaan

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*this chapter has been revised*

Hey guys! I worked really hard on this chapter and I hope you enjoy it

Asalyn's pov
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. ITS NOT WORKING!!! I cannot believe I just spoke like that to General Krell. GENERAL. KRIFFIN. KRELL. I'm dead. But leading a legion isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Once I discovered the problem with the plan everything just clicked. My only job is to basically attract attention to myself. That'll be difficult. I'm not exactly the attention seeker type. But I can do it.

"Ready Commander?" He shot me a devilish smirk.

"I'm always ready for battle, General." He clicked his blasters on kill and I smiled back.

"Well then let's get going." I sat down in the pilot's seat with Commander Axel next to me. I put the tank in forward and we started to head out. It only took a few minutes until the city was in sight.

"Three more minutes until we reach the gate. Would now be a bad time to ask you how we'll convince the droids to let us past?"

"Yes. This would be a bad time. Don't worry about it though. I have an idea for that." I replied hoping I sounded sure of myself.

"That's why I'm worried." I rolled my eyes and continued on. Like the Commander said we approached the gate with two other tanks behind us. I saw the droids let in a few starving people but then immediately shut the red laser gate again. That means if this fails I'd have to take out the droid controlling the wall first.

"This is it. General don't you think I should know the plan by now?" Bit antsh ain't he? Antsy, or not completely trustful of my abilities yet.

"Easy Commamder. I'll take care of it." I assured him. I tapped my comm link on my arm and spoke into it.

"Don't advance through the gate until the droid gives the word." I heard the troopers discussing it among themselves before Claw spoke.

"With all due respect general. How are we gonna know when the droid says were good?"

"You'll hear it personally from him. Trust me just keep your com on but be silent." I only said trust me to tease them since they obviously didn't trust me yet. They will eventually. I heard a loud clank on the side of the tank.

"Open up in there!" His robotic and sadly familiar voice shouted at us.

"Be right back Commander."

"Wait what!? No wait General what are you-" I cut him off by leaping out of the tank and landing gracefully on top of it. I skidded down to the bottom and jumped off right in front of the two droids.

"Hey! What are you-" I interrupted him by waving my hand in his cylinder head.

"You dont need to see my identification." A giant wave swept over the droid when I used the mind trick. He robotically repeated exactly what I said.

"We don't need to see your identification." Both droids replied. I smiled sheepishly. I spotted Commander Axel's head poking over the edge of the tank lid. I tapped my com link and made sure the green light was on before continuing.

"You want to send me and my friends on our way."

"We want to send you and your friends on your way." I heard the men cheering and my master laughing over the com. I hopped back into the tank and started it up again. When the laughter died down I heard my master clear her throat.

"Well my padawan, I see you still got it." I chuckled.

"Yep I never lost it." There was more laughing amongst the com link. I muted mine and continued driving down the single street leading into Aldera; the Capitalof Alderaan. When we finally got out of the city we approached the Seperatist building I unmuted my com link.

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