Battle of Naboo

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Asalyn's POV
The gunship hovered several feet over where I saw a little orange and pink dots which I'm guessing was Ahsoka and Peppi's bodys.

"Wish us luck boys." The 501st clones in the gunship whisper cheered as I leaped out of the ship and dove down about 50 feet and dive rolled perfectly to land next to Ahsoka.

"Hey girls. What'd I miss?"

"Not much. Just watch and be proud." I laughed at Ahsoka's sarcasm. She used the force to make a detonator hover above us. I was praying don't drop it. Thankfully she didn't and moved it away to the dirty hatch.

"Now." She dropped it and we jumped as far away as possible. It went up in flames and revealed the entrance while everyone was still okay.

"Not bad Ahsoka. Not bad at all."

"Well I am learning from the best. That includes you." My heart fluttered. HA! Take that master! See I can still teach and not technically have a padawan. We watched as the several gunships roared over head.

"Meesa come too!" Peppi requested enthusiastically. Now I understand why her name is Peppi.

"No. Stay here and make sure no one escapes." Ahsoka instructed her. I patted her shoulder and ran into the south entrance. Anakin and Obi-wan's men each zipped down from the gunship to the hatch. Ahsoka and I both leaped in and she activated her light saber. Ahsoka took a rough landing but I jumped right back up and leaped over the droids head. They were lined up in two rows so I knew exactly what to do. I put both my light sabers together to create a extra long one with the blade coming out of both ends. I activated it and destroyed two droids.

"Ahsoka catch!" I force pushed my light saber out which cut down the entire droid force to none. Ahsoka caught it just as requested, deactivated it, and threw it back to me.

"Nice job."

"Thanks. Now let's get moving." We heard more droids marching towards us.

"Oh great. The party's here... Again." I said and reactivated my light saber. This time I split it in two so I could dodge blasts more loosely and frequently.

"Forward!" Captain Rex ordered. I jumped off the ceiling and cut a droid in half then two more and I kept doing this until destroyers came rolling along.

"Fall back!" I yelled. They did as ordered but I stayed put.

"Ahsoka and I will give you and your men as much cover as we can, Captain." I continued to dodge more blasts. The men backed away but kept shooting. Suddenly there was a loud boom. I charged forward at the destroyers. Big mistake. I looked up to see rubble falling and the ceiling collapsing.

"Asalyn. Move!" Ahsoka yelled. I was frozen in fear. Not fear of death. But fear of getting in the way if the mission. Ahsoka ran to help but she was too late. The ceiling completely collapsed nearly directly on top of me. It took me down to the ground and covered my legs.

"I'm okay!" I said as loudly as I could. The reality is I am not okay. I can barely move my legs.

"Oh my." A familiar accented voice said. I used the force to lift the rubble off of my legs. I winced when I tried to move them. Ahsoka and Captain Rex helped me to my feet.

"Obi-wan continue the mission. I'll be right behind you." He nodded.

"The lab is secure, and hopefully Anakin has reached Padme by now. I'll get the bombs. Asalyn are you sure you'll be alright?" He asked. I nodded and he flew off.

"I'll keep the droids occupied Asalyn. Rex help her around if she looks like she needs it.

"Really Ahsoka I'm-" I was interrupted by her huge gasped. She was looking down at my legs. I did the same. Oh they were covered with blood.

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