Not Your Kriffin Therapist

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Hey guys. Get excited cause in this chapter Axel will finally spill the tea! To who though. Read to find out btw this chapter was so fun to write!

Commander Axel's pov
When she asked me to sleep with her every inch of my mind screamed no but my heart said yes. I don't know why I feel this way when I'm around her but I do. I can't keep putting it off. I need to talk to someone about this. I opened my eyes to see that Asalyn wasn't there. Well that makes this a lot easier. I put on my armour I took off last night and booked it down the corridors. I tapped my com

"Hello there (name will remain anonymous for dramatic effect) where are you?" I asked him through the com link. He chuckled an sighed.

"Where do you think?"

"Aboard the sacrifice in the medical ward?"


"I'll be right there." I ignored the stares I got from differing jedi generals and kept running. Dang with all those different facial expressions you'd think the jedi never even seen a clone. I boarded a transport which brought me up to the sacrifice. I marched into the medical ward. I kicked down the door cause its cool and yelled

"I need some advi-" I stopped when instead of seeing my friend I saw a clone getting brain surgery. I tried my hardest not to puke.

"Heh. Sorry." Before they could yell at me I shot the door. Okay let's try this one. I kicked open the door next to it to see two people making out on a hospital bed. I blushed and shut the door almost as soon as I opened it.

"Okay maybe this one." I licked open the door next to it to finally find what I was looking for. The answer to my prayers. The guy that will shine a light on my dark situation. The man who will-

"What do you want?"

"Hello to you too Stitch. I need to talk to you about something very important that's been bothering me for some time." I said and invited myself in. I looked back in the hall to see no one was there. But still I shut the door and looked at my friend. He shut the book he was reading titled, "Human female anatomy" ooooookay. If he wasn't a medic then I would generally be concerned.

"What is it Commander? Are you feeling alright?"


"Any headaches?"


"Stomach hurting you?"


"Feeling nauseous or unstable?"

"N- eh kind of. Bu mostly no." He rolled his eyes and groaned. I looked down at my feet on the other side of the hospital bed. I didnt have the courage to look him in then bvb when I told him.

"Well if it's none if that then what kind if laun ate you in Commander?" I just continued to look at my feet.

"The worst pain of all. Emotional pain."

"Oh good lord not this crap again." I looked at him confused.

"I'm afraid I sont know what you mean Stitch." He scoffed and rolled his eyes again. He took a seat next to me at the end if the bed.

"Oh is that so? Well let me tell you what I mean. I mean your about to whine to me about how you slept with the General and now you like her more then a friend. That's what you were gonna day right?" All I could do was stare at him. How did he know my life better then I did!?

"Wait how did you know I slept with the general?"

"It was just a hunch until you just confirmed it."

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