Battle of Buthalla

141 4 133

Just a heads up guys and gurls, this is gonna be a long one.

Asalyn's pov
I am not flat chested enough for this and Axel knew it. Ahsoka couldn't fit her lekku on the helmet and Aliyah was just too short in general to make it work, plus I was having struggles with the uh, chest area if you know what I mean. She was literally a whole foot shorter than the troopers. So we improvised using a shitload of makeup, lots of baggy clothing and very oddly shaped helmets. Ahsoka's montrals we're just short enough to fit into an odd wrap we put together for her. We also used a hair net to keep the longer lekku parts out of sight.

"Aliyah you do know the only reason I'm taking Ahsoka and not you is because Anakin specifically trusted me with his padawan not Axel. I trust Axel amd the Padawan Lrotection squad to keep you safe." She meekly nodded and left. I sighed and motioned for Ahsoka to go follow her. Hopefully Aliyah will listen to someone her own age.

"Are we ready General?" Axel asked. The entire legion was packing up gear and moving it all out of the way, prepping the gunships and staying ready for the seppies signal while I'm taking Axel, Aliyah, and Ahsoka to meet with the King. Admiral Lenón informed the King of our arrival and he demanded an audience.

"I think we are Axel." I turned back a few feet away where the two girls were talking.

"Let's move it ladies! You can pout about it on the way!" I stepped in our special gunship that said Asalyn's assholes. I frowned walking by the side seeing the nose art was covered up with a tarp so when we land no one will expose us for having a woman in charge. Mg frown deepened when I looked down at myself and back up to the nose art realizing how much I'm changing everything for one mission.

"Hey." Axel brought me out of my own mental discussion with his soft voice.

"Are you going to be okay without me by your side? Neither of us are used to it. We are Commander and General remember?" I rolled my head back to face him and crack the bones to stretch. Killing two birds with one stone.

"General and Commander. But yes, I will be okay. I trust Ahsoka to reign me back in if I almost blow cover and vice versa. Like you said before, I got this." He sighed and shook his head. Honestly Axel really looked like he wanted to kiss me. So being my responsible self I took a step forward into the gunship leaving Axel hanging. Just as he started leaning in too.

"I'm serious people! Let's go!" Everyone ran into the gunship except Ahsoka who was walking lazily adjusting her armor.

"Pilot. Did Admiral Lenón give you the coordinates yet?"

"Yes sir. Starting up the engines now sir." Good. The blast doors shut; all outside lighting was now gone. We were embalmed in darkness until the dim red lights flickered on.

"Does everybody have their voice modulators?" I asked. They all responded with sliding it on their helmet/face coverings and saying a quick yes. Even Axel did. We all meditated as we headed off to what could quite possibly be our doom. It was a silent ride to the surface of the glowing blue planet because of that singular thought racing through everybody's train of thought. Once we landed I thanked the pilot as the blast doors opened to reveal the King was actually standing there with many guards waiting for us.

"Good day gentleman. I am King Anakion." Did he just say King Anakin...? Brushing the question off I was taken over by shock as I had to look up just to see the King. He was at least 7 feet tall, had extremely pale skin like almost pure white toned skin woth, soft features gracing his face, and he was wearing a sharp snazzy suit. He looked utterly breathtaking and it made me want to puke. I'd take Axel over this guy any day of the week.

"Welcome to Buthalla." The King waved his hand forward lazily. As he did that four of either his servants or guards stepped forward to shake all of my peoples hands. Wow, what a gentleman. Ruler of a kingdom and he can't be bothered to step forward three inches to be polite. I tried to speak but only a gag came out. Axel obviously seeing I did need help after all stepped in to my rescue.

A Savior To AllTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon