Trial of Krell || part 2

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Asalyn's POV
We stayed up all night finalizing a plan to present the hard hitting evidence we thought of last night.

"This will send them all for a loop." Aliyah agreed with me. While we were at it last night we also gave her a wardrobe upgrade. I remembered how insecure I was in front of the Senate because of how I dressed. Axel, Oscar and Anakin accompanied us all night to help create the plan. It was actually Oscar who thought of where to get the evidence and Anakin was the one who snuck in and got it. Axel was just here for emotional support.

"Will this footage be enough though? Or will they need more?" Everybody's head jerked over to stare at Axel for his unhelpful questioning. Anakin walked right over and grabbed Axel by the shoulders.

"Dude. You're supposed to be the upbeat one. What happened?" Anakin went a little overboard on the aggressive questioning.

"Sorry, sorry. Guess the all nighter is starting to get to me." Aliyah and I scoffed at the same time. Looking at each other crazily.

"You think this is bad? I've gone literal weeks without sleep before. This is childs play... no offense Aliyah." She looked at me with only partial alertness to what was actually happening.

"Some taken. Can we get back to business now please. What do we do if it isn't enough for the Chancellor and Senators?" Everybody groaned around the room. This is only the 18th time she's asked the same question.

"How many times must I tell you? You were the one who suggested it!" Aliyah snarled in reaction and hissed before burying her head under the pillow whining like a wounded cat.

"Worst casenario, I use my force projection ability to show the Senate your training with Krell, escape, and how I've treated you so far. Only if we absolutely have to though." Going into someone elses mind is already a major violation of privacy but to project whatever I see in front of thousands of people too? Normally I'd consider that a crime against humanity but Aliyah insisted we have a backup to the backup plan.

"Great. Try not to make it hurt too much." She yelled through the confines of the pillow. I rolled my eyes and hit her in the back of the head with the other pillow.

"I won't, you little smart-ass. Now get up and prepped. We have a Kriffy Krell to lock away for life." Everybody srood to their feet and started cheering, pumping us up.

"Now let's go!"

"Yeah!" We all whooped and cheered as we ran out of my room successfully startling Masters Fisto and Secura out of their skin. They like visibly jumped and everything. Infact they kinda jumped apart...?

"Sorry you two!" I yelled as everyone ran down the halls of the jedi temple making other fellow jedi stare in awe and confusion. Anakin hopped in in the drivers seat with me next to him in the passengers seat of his speeder. I had my lefs curled up on the seat to leave room for Aliyah on the floorboard. I also had to lean forward so Axel could stick his legs through the seatbelt Anakin refuses to wear. Oscar was just hanging onto the tailbone of the speeder with nothing aiding him except the will to live and some luck. Point is everything was going great for everyone except Oscar in the very back but he stopped complaining, yelping, whining, crying, etc a little bit ago. Next thing you know the speeder behind us is an underworld police, and they just turned their kriffing sirens on.

"They better be kidding." Aliyah said through clenched teeth. It was either because of her anger toward cops holding us up or because she had no space to even move her jaw. Once the blue and red lights started flashing Aliyah knew the answer.

"That's not in question anymore. Now how about the real question, run or cooperate?" Everyone yelled cooperate in my ear as if it was obvious. Everyone excelt Anakin who didn't reply. However when Anakin didn't respond it was the mkst definite answer he could give. Axel, and Aliyah starting yelling at Anakin to slow down but him and I judt started laughing. In my mind I could just hear Obi-wan and Master Depa saying the same thing to us 8 years ago when they taught us how to drive a sleeder.

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