One Big Happy Family

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*this chapter has been revised*

Greetings my readers. I hope the minor language in the book won't turn you away but it just seemed so funny to use. And for those of you who like action don't worry because it is coming. Anyway back to the book.

Commander Axel's pov
Things were unusually quiet on the Jedi Cruiser which still does not have a name. Despite that, I haven't slept in a week. Or more precisely, since Asalyn arrived.

"Morning General." I said at the bridge meeting as she lazily walked up.

"Good morning Axel, Griffin, Admiral." She yawned and rubbed her eyes. I noticed her belt wasn't buckled correctly and her boots were sloppily unzipped and her hair was not its usual silky milk chocolate brown instead rough and unrefined.

"Rough sleep General?" Griffin asked with a smirk.

"Actually no sleep. I've been up all night doing... a thing... yeah." Sadly I know what 'thing' shes talking about. It must take a lot of energy to do that force-lookey thingy she does.

"So what do you have planned for today Admiral? Any battles? Life threatening crisis at hand? Any world shattering news or ground breaking discoveries? Please say no." We all chuckled at her enthusiasm to not get out of bed.

"Well since you brought it up the Jedi council just contacted us. They wish to speak to you at 1100 hours. She looked over to the side of the holotable were standing by.

"That's 10 minutes from now! When were you gonna tell me this!?"

"We just did. Need us to say it again?" She glared at Griffin while I laughed; something I haven't done in a long time. She grumbled and walked away. I ran after her.

"Asalyn wait!" I yelled. She just kept on walking down the long corridors.

"Asalyn!" She abruptly turned around. I almost ran straight into her. I held myself upright and tried to keep a straight face.

"Why are you so angry about the council meeting?" I asked her as we stood there still with a few eyes watching us as they walked by.

"I'm not angry I'm just... stressed. I guess." That only increased my confusion and curiosity.

"Okay why are you so stressed?" She sighed.

"Because my ma- former master is a member of the council and I have a feeling she'll be there as well."

"But why is that such a problem?" I pushed even further. She sighed again.

"Because the last time I saw her she left me. And then replaced me with some youngling who I bet doesn't even know how to hold a light saber!" She yelled. If people weren't staring before they were now as Asalyn jammed the back side of her palm into a wall. Bordering a temper tantrum Asalyn retracted her fist only to punch the wall with her other hand. Needless to say there was blood involved afterwards.

"Calm down. I see why your stressed, and maybe even a little sad. But think of it like this." Thinking of my next words carefully I wrapped up her hands in mine to examine them. In my utility belt was a mini med kit so I tugged out the tissues in the left pocket and gently dabbed her arm in the middle of the hallway, while people stared trying so hard to speak and not have my words come out the wrong way. Needless to say it was a very stressful time.

"Your master is helping build and create the future of the Jedi order by training a new padawan. I'm sure it was nothing personal against you when she got a new apprentice." I thought back to my Jedi General before Krell. We were the best of friends. It was unfortunate he was only with us for a month or two until he was killed in action. To this day no one knows what happened exactly. The Jedi council issued a statement at his funeral saying it was unknown how Jedi Master Henri Digundo was killed. Also at the funeral Master Yoda claimed they would not rest until the reason or killer was discovered. To this day no one knows how it happened, not even the best detectives in Coruscant. But when we used to have deep conversation about topics that expand past the war he always made a point to express his want to have a padawan so he could form a relationship like the one him and his master shared before Henri's poor master passed away in the Battle of Dantooine.

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