Girls Day Out

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Previously on Season 2...

A wanted jedi general for his crimes of war and abuse is now on the run under the disguise of Obi-wan Kenobi!

Aliyah Caddel is safely returned to the hands of Asalyn Zelena, her new Master however she was gravely injured while fighting Former General Krell in an attempt to keep everybody else safe. Together they will now begin to break down the self doubting walls Kriffy Krell has built up in Aliyah's mind. However there is one thing holding back both Aliyah and Asalyn's moving forward.

Fear of loss! In the haste of Krell's escape from his trial Asalyn and her best friend Anakin Skywalker were tricked into believing that Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Commander Axel were killed in action. Even though they were only presumed dead for a few minutes it was enough time to make Asalyn and Anakin realize time was a valuable thing they shouldn't take for granted anymore. However they took it to the extremes.

Anakin and Asalyn refuse to let Axel, Aliyah, and Ahsoka out of their sights. Soldiers from the 501st and 338th are desperately trying to find a way to keep both their padawan Commanders safe.

But for now Senator Amidala was promised a girls day out once the Trial Of Krell was over. It's been a full week and Padme thinks a day out is just what the girls need.

Season 3

Begins now

Ahsoka's pov
"I know Padme! I-I know... I know!" Padme has been calling Anakin for 2 hours. 2. Hours!!! It's been "I know I know" and "She's almost ready i swear" for 2. Whole. Hours.

"Yes Ahsoka is almost ready I swear... no I am not being clingy! Yes after the "spicy applejuice incident" I admit I've been a little overly protective of her but with good reason." That is the 18th time Anakin has said that exact sentence to Padme and it is the 17th time I have genuinely considered running away.

"No you can't speak to her. Why would you want to- okay, okay! Geez no need to resort to violent threats. I'll put her on." Anakin gently grabbed my arms and guided me over to the war table he used to chat in from Rex's barricks.

"Ahsoka what have you been doing for the past two hours? Asalyn, Aliyah and I have been waiting downstairs for forever!" Well. Turning up the volume afraid of Padme whispering so Anakin wouldn't hear was a mistake. She just yelled my nonexistent ears off! Imagine having ears lol can't relate. No focus Ahsoka! You are avoiding this for a reason!

"Padme are you alone right now?"

"Give me two seconds and I can be." Padme was right. And so determined too.She kept her word and refocused her attention from whoever used to be in front of her to me.

"What's up sweetie?"

"Well as you know the Krell trial day 2 is kind of a blank but I heard the stories. There are two types of stories from that day. How Asalyn Zelena and her padawan braved a battle with Krell and exposed Fake-Obi. Then there's stories of how loopy the chosen ones padawan was acting that day. You bet rumors started spreading." Padme could be heard humming over the holophone. I could see her face too. She was rocking that knowing smile she always seemed to wear.

"Understandable. Even though you didn't mention it, locking yourself up with only Anakin's company wasn't all his idea was it?" Keep a calm face Ahsoka. Remember she can see you too.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Real smooth. Padme gave me a look that literally said to me "mmmmhmm. Sure." I was done for.

"I understand why you and Anakin cut yourself off from other people but it's not healthy. Nothing that happened was your fault. Nobody blames you. And truthfully those stories happened last week, people stopped caring about them awhile ago." That did sound promising. Knowing Asalyn and Padme they probably went to every single nook and crany in the temple and senate building to fill peiples heads with other random stories. Still though, it wasn't everybody else I was worried about.

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