Adjustment Period

141 6 59

Asalyn's pov
"Don't get me wrong master, the girls day was great I'm just feeling the need for speedy training. I gotta build up my strength if I'm gonna find him and- and..." I held my hand up for Aliyah to stop. If she finished the sentence it would raise some questions just in case anyone was watching. Luckily she listened and immediately quit talking as soon as I slightly moved. A small twitch seems to be enough to get her to comply- oh.

"Aliyah I understand Krell did unimaginable things to you. I understand the pain you've endured, I've been there myself even. However you shouldn't be the one who has to kill him. Trust me, you don't want that on your conscience." Aliyah sighed and nodded. Her body language though proved Aliyah was hearing my words but not taking them any farther than her ears. At this rate she'll never let anything I ever say reach her brain or heart.

"Are you listening to me?" Aliyah didn't respond. She just kept stomping towards wherever she was headed. I was just along for the ride.


"Hm?" I grabbed her arm to make her stop. Out of what I'm hoping was instinct she curled into a ball on the floor and tried yanking her arm away to no avail.

"Aliyah. Chill. You know it's me. I understand you think this is gonna be a quick recovery for you but I also understand it's not actually going to be a quick recovery for you." Her whole mood, face, it all crumbled quicker than what she thought her recovery would be.

"You heard me. You want to just brush up on light saber combat and hand to hand but a few sparring matches and punching bags won't fix the damage he caused. Do you realize that?" Her walls of resolve were finally starting to crack. All I wanted was to have her truly hear me and it looks like that was finally starting to work.

"I'm your master to not just teach you in the Jedi ways but also to make sure you're fit enough to learn." Just when I seemed to finally be getting through that stubborn skull of hers she proved me wrong again.

"Okay but can't I at least try to just punch a bag until I'm as strong as I used to be?" I was about to get into another lecture but she just kriffing walked away. If I walked away from my master in mid talk I would've been cleaning the refreshers for days. And if I interrupted her? Death sentence.

"Aliyah!" Now that I had a general idea of where she was going because of the whole punching bag comment I didn't care if we arrived there together so I let her storm off. Lo and behold 20 minutes later I found her in the training room on her knees curled up in front of where the punching bad used to hang. I glanced around to see it stuck in the now dented wall from the bags impact.

"Punching the bag not enough for you after all?" She held her once pale as the actual color of white hands up in the blinding fluorescent lighting. When I saw her bloody red stained hands my joking attitude vanished into the thin air. Just like that it got exponentially harder to breathe.

"Aliyah you didn't use gloves!?" She pulled her hands back down into her lap but looked up at me to reveal she had been crying for awhile now.

"It hurts..." a sniffle interrupted her train of thought. In an instant I was down there by her side wiping dried or wet tears off her fragile face covered in trickles of the blood from her knuckles splattered on various spots such as her cheeks or forehead. When that proved to not be enough I used the force to pull a box of tissues from the "I got a boo-boo to my ego" corner Axel created to shame his men that lost in combat challenges.

"What..." there was just so much to say and ask at the same time. Is she okay? Why'd she do this to herself? What was she feeling? Does my padawan have PTSD already?

"What happened?" Oh my force that was so lame. WhAt HaPPenEd? Come on Zelena.

"I uh- I had this... dreamscape. It was like- I was like-" her words kept getting cut off by the relentless aggressive sobs attacking her throat. These types of frustration cry fests are always the worst because it feels like acid trying to bubble up to the surface and exit your body except it never exits so your stuck with it until the calm tidal waves of comfort finally frown it out.

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