Kyber Crystal Hunt

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Asalyn's POV
It has been a long few hours. After I explained what to do and warned them of their time limit I set them off into the cave. Ever since then only three came back. Kendara, Kenali, and Jackson. Dax and Aliyah remained in the cave. At this point I was pacing and biting my nails. I'm not even a nail biter usually I'm just that nervous. I couldn't care less how Dax was doing it was Aliyah I was worried about. What if Dax did something to her? Well that's what I thought until at the last possible second Dax slid under the thickening ice wall and stood up. My heart froze from sadness as I saw the wall was about 1 foot away from becoming a full thick ice wall. No. Just no. No no no no no no no.

"Alright well everyone that matters is out of there. Let's bounce." Dax tried to walk away but I pulled him back with the force.

"No! It may be jedi tradition for younglings to retrieve crystals on their own but it is not the jedi way to leave behind one our own, or anyone for that matter to die slowly in a dark cave with no food. I'm going in. All of you get back to the gunship and take off. I'll be there as soon as possible." The twi'lek twins looked unsure but the boys didn't give it a second thought. I ran and slid under the wall. It skimmed my chest and got me a little wet. Great. Cause that's just what you want on the coldest planet in the outer rim.

"Aliyah? Aliyah!?" I frantically shouted. I looked behind me to see the solid ice wall reaching from the floor to the ceiling. Yay. Another wonderful problem. I reached out in the force. I could sense 4 young life forms getting farther and farther away. Good I'm praying those are the younglings. But I never sensed Aliyah. I tried even harder and I felt something. Pain, sadness, suffering. Aliyah. I ran toward the direction I felt her and the farther I got the more evident the cries for help were. She was a tough girl I know she wouldn't cry unless it was really bad. I turned a corner and found her just sitting there with her head tucked in her legs.

"Aliyah I'm so glad your safe! I'm here to help. What's wrong?" She continued crying but when she looked up that's when I noticed tons of little scratches on her bare arms and legs. I knelt down to her amd put my hand around her cheek to check for face scratches. Luckily she didn't have any.

"Let me guess. Dax and Jackson?" I couldn't help but grit my teeth as I spoke. She sniffled and nodded. I growled dangerously low. I noticed one scar in particular on her wrist that was large and almost wrapped all the way around her wrist. I tore off the bottom aqua piece of my top. I wrapped it around her wrist to stop the bleeding. It's a temporary solution but a solution nonetheless.

"I would clean up the wounds but I don't have any medical supplies or water. Right now we have to focus on getting you out of here so Stitch can fix you up on the Sacrifice." She wiped her eyes and bit he bottom lip. It was clear she was in a lot of pain.

"Did you find your crystal." For the first time since she entered the cave she cracked a small smile. In the palm of her hand laid a small glowing blue kyber crystal.

"Great work. Now time for problem 2. Getting out of here." I took off one of my gloves, brushed it off and wiped her rosy cheeks stained with dry and wet tears on it.

"Come on. We need to get moving. Can you walk?" She have me a 'really' look.

"Okay so I guess you can walk. Let's go." We walked the way I came in. I thought it would take longer but I think it actually went faster. Until finally we came upon the thick ice wall. I sighed amd shook my head. When an idea came to me. I activated my double blade light saber I ran to the ice wall. But before I could jab a hole through the ice wall it exploded outward. I turned off my light saber and covered my face and ducked. When the explosion was over I looked back to Aliyah.

"Ali-" I stopped shouting when I saw her concentrating, eyes closed and hand outstretched. She moved her hand to the left in a sweeping motion and all the ice shards on the floor moved over to the left. There was a clear path to walk through. The entire wall was broken. I looked at her shocked.

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