Inner Battle of Buthalla

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Asalyn's pov
"Excuse me!?" Why us? Why the hell would the council choose to send me of all people to this kriffing planet? Buthalla treats their women like rusty machines, good for something, but not much.

"The council thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring a female General to this planet... why?" Aliyah was as genuinely confused as I was. Anakin and Obi-Wan were still on their mission so Ahsoka was in my care. He said keep her safe and now I'm taking her to a female hating planet.

"So these guys on Buthalla, are they like majorly sexier or just like extra chivalrous? Cause there's a difference." Ahsoka pointed out trying to be the optimistic side of the conversation but when it comes to the planet of Buthalla my knowledge trumps anyone else's.

"Commander." I said, unfortunately all three of them responded.

"Axel, may I speak to you privately?" He gave me an odd look but complied. Aliyah looked concerned but Ahsoka rolled her eyes and simpered out of the room with Aliyah lightly jogging behind her to keep up.

"I've been to Buthalla before. They don't just not care for women, they hate women with a burning passion." Axel sighed pinching his nose trying to take it all in. There's this strong thought in the back of my mind pounding into what little sanity I have left saying there's no way to get out of this. But I'm sure there is right? We always find a way.

"And how exactly do you know this?"

"When I was a Zygerrian slave they shipped me off to Buthalla but apparently they didn't want me. Not because of humanitarian reasons of course, no they didn't want me because they believed females weren't capable of anything."

"I think-"

"My little friend I made while I was a slave, her name was Sophi, we used to communicate by carving on each others handcuffs. Well until we ran out of space, but you get the idea."

"Alright what happened to-"

"They killed her! The Kind of Buthalla doesn't have a Queen, any children and no one else does either. Only the strongest males pick the finest female slaves to- you know, so the new generation is made. Literally in their eyes the only use for women is baby makers. I should know, at 11 years old they thought I qualified to be a- you know." I didn't even notice how my breath was picking up and my arms were flailing everywhere until Axel gripped them both and started doing the breathing exercise Ahsoka showed me.

"Great so follow your own advice Asalyn. Show the Buthallans your confidence-" is he kriffing kidding.

"Are you kriffing kidding me? I just told you these people raped me when I was younger and your advice is for me to be confident? Alright, I'm confident I'll be getting enslaved by the end of this mission." Be cOnFiDeNt he says. What the hell? How can you be confident around people you know want to rape then murder you? And why the hell would the council send a female on this mission!? I can't even let Aliyah or Ahsoka off the Sacrifice!

"What am I gonna do about the kids? I know we are in a war but no one should have to have their first official lesson on Buthalla." Sometime in between my internal crying and panic, Axel felt the need to make things worse.

"It gets even worse Asalyn. We're going to Buthalla to not only convince them to not rebel against the Republic anymore, but also to stop a Seperatist invasion." He has got to be kidding. I don't even want to go to Buthalla! Now I have to go make peace with them on behalf of the Republic and not only that, but defend them? Honestly I'm not even sure who I resent more, the people I fight or the people I'm being forced to protect.

"Asalyn!" I snapped back to reality at Axel's firm hand on my cheek. He wasn't slapping me thankfully just lightly tapping. In a mad frenzy I grabbed his hand on my cheek and yanked him forward; deadly close.

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