Chapter 37

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The first year that I decided to be independent and live alone in Switzerland is not easy. But at least, my parents were still there.

They supported me financially, not until I ask them to stop giving me money when I finally got my first job. I started studying in SFA to continue what I started in the Philippines.

I have relatives living here, but then I made sure that I will live alone and far from them. I am here to move on from the pain and live independently, I can't do those if I will be dependent to them.

My parents made sure that I have enough money, I got myself an atm card in Switzerland and dad transferred a lot of money to my account, before they stopped funding my needs.

It's been a tough year.

At first, it is really hard. I'm not good with adjustment. I can't adopt easily to my new surroundings. Knowing that I will have a new time zone, weather, foods and environment.

And I always remember Sev, that made me homesick even more.

It's not easy to change those things that I am already used to have.

I met a lot of friends in SFA. They are easy to talk to and fun to be with. They always find ways to have fun after class or if we have free time. Some of my classmates were working student,

I deactivated all my social media accounts before I leave Philippines. And now I want to be in the world again. I want to create an account again.

I made an Instagram because my friends were already complaining about my boring social media life. I don't even have a facebook or twitter. So, I just made an Instagram for myself. I followed Zea and Atarah and some of my family relatives and fashion related accounts.

At first, I was afraid that they might not follow me back. But there's no room for me to be afraid on my own family and friends. One thing I learned is not to be afraid over the things that you really can't control.

Not to be afraid in general.

If you get afraid even if you haven't try doing it, then you will put yourself in that situation twice. Matatakot ka ngayong hindi mo pa nagagawa, paano pa kaya kapag ginawa mo na?

Don't be afraid to try new things and decide if you still want to do it after your first try. Don't be afraid of meeting and talking to people, maybe they will be your friends. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as long as you won't do the same mistake again. Don't be afraid to the things that you want, as long as you're not hurting other people.

I sighed heavily and looked at the view in front of me. Me and my friends were now inside the cable car. We are now in Grindelwald; we always go here when we have a free time from school and work.

Later on, we will try to play golf. Liam and the other guys wanted to try it. While me and the girls, don't want it, but we will just watch them. To pass time.

But seeing the view made my mind go back to my first year here.

After a day of resting after I arrived here in Geneva. I woke up and my mind and searching for the familiar view I used to have in my room. I missed my room. I miss my family. I miss my friends.

I miss him.

I enrolled in driving school so I can have a license to drive here. Then after that I commute my way in SFA for my enrollment. My program will be for a year and then I will receive a diploma. Should I study already or work first after that? Maybe, I will just plan it after I graduated.

I bumped to a girl when I am going out of SFA to tour around the place.

Her name is Emma, she asked if I can help her enrolling the same course to mine. I helped her and she tour me around the city in return. I found out that she's really rich and have a lot of connections here.

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