Chapter 1

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"Do you remember what mommy told you?" mommy asked while combing my hair before I go to sleep.

"Don't talk to strangers. Don't go out of the school if I didn't see you or dad or our driver. Make friends and don't bully others. Listen to the teacher's lesson" I repeat all the things that my parents told me earlier.

"Yes. And speak tagalog sometimes although you're having a hard time in doing so. It is your first day in school tomorrow, I am excited and nervous because you don't have us in there"

"Ahmm. Mom I'm not good in that language. My classmates might make fun of me because of that" I said with a pout.

"I told you to practice, but you're just playing around. We will practice once you got home tomorrow little princess" mom said while pinching my cheeks and tucking me in bed after I nodded at her

"Good night, baby. Sweet dreams" she said before turning off the lights and turning on the lamp beside my bed.

I am excited for tomorrow actually. Although I will surely have a hard time when it comes to speaking tagalog language, I knew that I will get there soon.

I was born in Canada as my parents were working and staying there when they got married.

My uniform is ready, my trolley bag with a Snow-White design is ready as well. I just really hoped to have many friends.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

"Why baby? Is there a problem?" my mom went inside my walk-in closet to get my uniform.

I am currently wearing a sando tucked in a black short.

"I don't know what clip should I wear" I said while looking at the three clips in front of me "Should I wear the stars, the flowers or the heart?" I show it to her with a sad face.

"Give me those. I will fix your hair" she said while smiling and standing behind me with my comb.

She tied my hair in a ponytail and put the three clips in the right side of my hair. "My Lili is so pretty. Excited?"

I excitedly nod my head "Yes Mommy! Super-duper excited!"

"Common, let's put your uniform and your dad is waiting for us"

After preparing everything, we then went in our dining room so we can eat our breakfast. My mommy prepares my snacks for breaktime, I have Zest-o, cheesecake, apple, banana and sandwich. It made me anticipate to have new friends, so I can share my snacks to them. Can I bring my toys too?

"Brush your teeth in your room, and then we will drive you to your new school" My dad said while smiling and I nodded at him before running to our stairs.

"Don't forget all the things that I said, alright Lili?" Mom said when I went out the car in front of my school's gate. "Should we drop her in her room?" she asked it to dad.

"Mom, it's okay po. You already show me where my room is, when the teacher toured us. Yaya is also here so I won't get lost for sure" I pointed at Yaya Marie who's holding my snacks bag and I am holding my trolley.

"Okay baby. Marie i-text mo kami kapag nag-awasan na sila. Yung mga bilin ko ha" mom said to yaya Marie who just nodded at her.

I walked and looked happily at the school and other kids like me. I hope I can get a lot of nice friends. Yaya just sit in the waiting area for the parents and guardian. I saw some of the kids in our room crying, because they wanted to go home or be with their mom. Aren't they excited as I am?

I went inside the room, some other kids are talking with another kid, some already have their group of friends, some kids are quietly sitting in the chair. I saw a shy girl looking at me, I smiled at her so she won't be afraid to befriend me.

This is how it started (Elementary Series #01)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora