Chapter 20

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Today is Valentine's Day.

Sev sent me a voice message earlier at 12 midnight, greeting me. 'Happy Valentines, Liya. See you later"

I texted him a greeting as well, before I prepare for the day. We will celebrate Charles' birthday at Mall of Asia. We will be with Tita Lucille's family. Charles and Matthew were close, just like me and Sev.

Tita Lucille, Sev, Tito Alfred and Sev arrived by 5 pm. They have gifts on their hand for Charles.

"Happy Valentines" Sev said and gave me a flower and a gift, which looked like a necklace. I greeted him back first, then I greeted tita, tito and Matthew. I lead them first in the living area where my parents are.

While I am just talking with Sev, he then opened the box and I saw a necklace with a rose design. It's beautiful. I immediately wear it and see if it will suit me.

"Beautiful" Sev said while looking at me. We continue our talk when we were on the way already. We rode only our van, dad said it's to save time and gas.

Sev and I were at the third row of the van, Mom and Tita is with Charles and Matthew at the second row, then my father is driving, tito is at the seat beside dad.

"So, 'yun nga Jiro already confessed to me, but then you knew how easily I can be disappointed when I found something that will really disappoint me. Kaya naman sabi ko sa kanya, friends lang kami." Pagkukwento ko kay Sev, sabi niya kasi ay magkwento lang daw ako ng mga nangyare sa school

"Did he respect your decision?" He asked while I am busy scrolling my phone. I looked at him and nod, sometimes I forgot that I gave him a chance to prove himself, it's like being with him is a normal way of living for me. It's normal for me to talk to him, share him my thoughts and problems. The thing that only changed is, he got sweeter and sweeter every day. He's extra protective than before.

"Hmm. How about you? How do you celebrate the Valentine's Day in high school?" I asked him and then keep my phone inside my bag so I can focus on talking to him.

"Just normal. Aside from the fact that I am not with you, but it's okay. I'm not complaining. You are with me now" he answered.

"Normal means? Receiving love letters and gifts from girls, just like before when you were elementary. Anong mga booths niyo?" tanong ko naman. meron bang kakaiba sa mga booths nila.

"Yeah. Receiving those every day, I am a varsity player, it's normal to have those in my locker. Booths? Hmm. Marriage booth, jail booth, raffle date and many more"

"Ano 'yun? Marriage booth? Jail booth? Sounds weird"

Natawa naman siya sa sinabi ko.

"You will know that next year"

We just continue talking until we arrived at MOA. We waited for our dads before we went inside. Mom took a picture of me and Charles in front of the heart design, Sev and Matthew took a picture as well. Then mom took a picture of me and Sev.

We went inside a fine dining restaurant. Sev took his phone out and ask me to pose for a picture.

"Say, I'm pretty!" he said and I obliged. "See, this is an example of beautiful creation of God" he added and showed me the picture he took. Maganda naman kasi talaga ako.

"Nangbola pa, alam ko naman na maganda ako" sabi ko na lang at siya naman ang pinicturan sa cellphone ko. "Say, I'm pretty"

"You're pretty" he said and smiled in a lovely way. I blushed on what he said. It's normal for him to say that, but I felt different today when I heard it.

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