Dreams Of The Past

Start from the beginning

"Who was it?" "Andy it's best," "Tell me!" She yelled, "Kris, Kris Gamblin," her face fell knowing it is the same Kris as hers, "You killed my best friend! Stay away from me!" That was it a slip of the tongue ruined years of trust and friendship, "Andy," "So much for calming her down," Maya chuckled along with the rest of 19, "Maya this is serious this is Andy's 3rd strike, you don't get it three strikes and she goes back. Andy wait!" "Go back where..."

Robert eventually got Andy to calm down but they both knew she was walking on thin ice.

A letter came inviting her on a salvage mission to her ship. The mission is to raise items from USS Defiant and as Andy was the only survivor they want her there. That and she was a fully qualified diver and submarine operative so she technically doing the diving. The dive was to fall over Christmas day, the day Defiant went down.

"Cap can I get three weeks off from the 14th of December to January 2nd, I was asked to go as a diver," Ben scoffed, "Typical Andy, missing Christmas," 19 started laughing as it was true, in the four years they had known each other she had never once celebrated Christmas, "Wanna know the truth? Five years ago this Christmas we anchored of the shipping lanes to have a whole ship Christmas morning, real turkey, crap karaoke just overall having a blast then 1 o'clock came and it was just a normal afternoon I couldn't get a stupid valve to seal. 2 o'clock we were hit in the stern and we started taking on water faster than we could pump it out. 2:30 the life boats were under water and the ship was capsizing. 200 were trapped below deck, 300 were killed when Defiant capsized, 100 drowned in the choppy sea and 199 froze to death in the water. I was the only survivor of 800 all on Christmas Day, I wasn't pulled from the water until sunrise Boxing Day I still can't feel four of my toes, Bobby's ship got me out. I want the three weeks to go on a salvage mission, the salvage mission to retrieve artifacts who better to send then someone who knows every nut and bolt."

A memory overwhelmed her, consuming her mind. Andy raced through the winding corridors shutting down all the circuit breakers on the way the last thing they needed was electrically charged water. The cries for help of the crew trapped below deck made her chest tighten. A couple of the officers were in there finest scrubs drinking scotch on the bridge. They offered Andy a glass which she chugged as they wished her best chance in life.

Her and Kris made it to the flight deck as another wave thrashed over the ship sweeping crew members overboard. Defiant began to rock violently in the wake of the choppy sea. Taking a literal leap of faith she leapt overboard to paddle to a chunk of wooden panelling. Climbing onto it she prepared to wait for the rescue ship coming. The waters calmed the ear piercing screams became a distant memory as Defiant disappeared below the crystal water. The last golden rays crept under the underneath the horizon. Glittering stars seemed closer than ever in the deep black around them. The night drifted by, with each fading star hope faded from the few other survivors remaining in the cold water.

Dawn broke from the distant horizon revealing the silhouette of there saviour ship, USS Inspector. Once they were close enough Andy thumbled in her pocket for her whistle. After a few moments a warm pair of hands gripped Andy's shoulders as she was lifted onto the flight deck. Blankets were wrapped round her shoulders as the tall man next to her guided her through the crew. His name was Robert.

"Andy you okay?" "Yeah nothing Bobby thanks for pulling me out," "Your welcome asqueroso (Disgusting)," "Your so on!" She yelled rocketing after him. Two weeks later Andy was boarding USS Summer for the three week mission with nothing but ocean ahead.

Andy watched the port fade from view from the ships stern, she missed the sea spray, the rockiness of the waves, the gulls cry. She missed this. "Herrera on bridge!" She climbed the decks of the bridge, "As you may know Herrera here is USS Defiant's only survivor so please be respectful. Our mission is to retrieve personal artefacts of the crew as well as any loose bits of debris. Andy it would be amazing if you identified who they belonged to, we arrive at the wreck in 4 days and Andy get uncomfortable or upset step back we can't afford to loose you from our team." They nodded before going through the team's objective for the mission. They were to retrieve items from the debris field and from inside the hull itself Andy was to operate the sub going down.

Less than a few hours after arrival they prepared for the descent into the crystal clear depths and to Defiant's watery grave. At 8am the following morning Andy and her three man team dove for the first of hopefully ten dives this mission down the the wreck. In five years it hadn't changed much, debris was surrounding the beaten hull a lot of the items Andy recognised and retrieved. One of the things that showed huge interest was A footlocker, they were water tight and it was fully intact and shut. That was placed gently into there rack of retrieved items including: ship parts, plates left over from the Christmas meal. They were at rest with the world down here.

When they came topside it was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 

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