45 | Celebrating family

Start from the beginning

Emilia wasn't nervous to see Daniel's parents as she had met them before and spend the entire Australian GP weekend together. She was, however, getting more and more nervous to tell them about their new grandchild. "Oh my gosh, hi!" Grace opened the door and immediately hugged Daniel and Emilia soon followed, happy to be greeted this warmly. Joe sat in the living room on the sofa watching some tv and after they had all greeted him, Grace offered them a drink of champagne, which she had already prepared before they arrived. Emilia's eyes met Daniel's and they immediately understood each other. Emilia couldn't drink and Grace would definitely notice if she left her glass full the entire time. "Uh mum, I know we usually do the gift-giving after dinner, but we would really like to give you this one in advance.." Emilia heard Daniel say and she saw a smile grow on Grace's face.

"Alright then, you're making me curious". She said and watched as Daniel pulled out a small little package from one of the bags. Emilia nodded when he looked at her, silently saying it was okay for him to give it to his mom. He handed it over and Emilia felt her heart beating in her chest when she watched her boyfriend's mom open the wrapping. They had made another onesie, which said: "Only the best parents get promoted to grandparents" and they added a picture of the ultrasound they had yesterday. Grace had a smile on her face when she pulled out the white onesie and Emilia saw the moment it clicked in her head when she read the text.

"Oh my gosh, Joe, look at this!" She said and Joe joined her side soon after. A tear rolled down Grace's face and Emilia couldn't hold it anymore either. The pregnancy hormones were definitely real. "I can't believe this.. Are you for real? This isn't a joke, is it?" Grace said and Daniel shook his head. "It's not mom, we know it may be a little soon and unexpected, it was for us as well, but we are so happy about it now". Emilia watched Grace hand the onesie to Joe and walk straight over to her. She would have expected her to hug her son first, but she came straight up to her and wrapped her arms around Emilia, which made her sob loudly. "Oh, my angel, come here.." Emilia hugged Grace back and she had never felt so loved by someone other than her own family before.

Joe hugged his son and congratulated Emilia as well after she had calmed down a little. They were very happy for the both of them and Grace immediately understood why Daniel wanted to give them this now, seeing as Emilia hadn't taken a sip of her champagne yet. Grace headed to the kitchen to grab another drink and Emilia decided to follow her. "Can I help you with something?" She asked and Grace immediately shook her head. "No dear, I can handle it just fine. Why don't you sit down for a moment?" Emilia nodded and sat down on a kitchen stool, while Grace poured her a glass of juice. "So how are you feeling?" She asked and Emilia let out a deep breath, relieved to finally be able to talk about it with someone who probably understood what she felt right now.

"Well, I'm really happy about it. It was a shock at first, that's for sure. But Daniel and I know we are right together and it may be soon, but we have been through a lot these past few months.. Maybe Daniel has told you some things about it?" She said and she saw Grace nod her head slightly while looking down at her fingers. "Yeah, he told us. We were on FaceTime one evening and he looked really tired and stressed and we asked him what was going on and he couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm sorry if you didn't want us to know.." Grace said and Emilia loved this woman so much already. "It's fine, of course, it is. It was a difficult time and I understand that he needed to vent to someone as well. But it made us as a couple so much stronger.."

"And how are you feeling physically?" Grace asked and Emilia let out a sigh. "Well, at the moment I feel alright, but I have been in bed for a week straight. Yesterday was the first day that I felt a little better, but I'm still super tired and everything". She explained and she saw Grace walk over to a cabinet to grab her some pill bottles. "Here, take these home with you and take on of each every day". Emilia took the bottles, all different types of vitamins and supplements. "Thank you so much. Really, you are so sweet to me and I don't know what I did to deserve that.." She said while she stood up and walked over to Grace to hug her. "You are making my son really happy, so you make me just as happy".

The both of them joined the rest again and soon it was time to eat. Daniel and Emilia sat down next to each other at the table and Emilia felt his hand slide onto her knee immediately. "What were you two discussing in the kitchen?" He asked her and she giggled. "Oh, just some baby names. We were thinking Archibald for a boy and Octavia for a girl.." Daniel squeezed her knee while he bumped his shoulder against hers and they both laughed. "No, she was asking me how I felt and we talked about the Marcus thing for a while. And she gave me some vitamins to make me feel a little better". Daniel nodded and he placed a kiss on Emilia's cheek. "I'm really glad you get along with my mom so well. That means a lot to me".

Grace and Joe walked out with the plate full of meat a few seconds letter and everyone gasped. All the food on the table looked amazing and Daniel helped his dad pour some more drinks while everyone was filling their plate. "I want to propose a toast". He said after everyone had a refill of their glass. He held his glass up and waited until everyone was holding theirs as well. "I just want to say that I love every single one of you very much and I'm eternally grateful for all of your support during this year. Thank you, Michael, for making me work really hard, but being my best friend while doing so. Isabel and Gia, thank you for taking such good care of my gorgeous girl while I couldn't be there these last few months. Nick, thank you for always making us laugh and for being one of the best friends in the world".

"Mom and dad, thank you for always having my back and raising me to be the fine young gentleman I am today.." Everyone laughed and Daniel shot his parents a wink and a big smile from over the table. "And last but not least. To my sweet and beautiful Emilia.. Thank you for making me happy again, for loving me for who I am, for being my biggest supporter and for giving me the best Christmas present anyone has ever given me. I love you so much and I can't wait to start this family with you". Emilia had the tears flowing over her cheeks again and she leaned over to give Daniel a kiss. "I love you too, Dan".

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