"Nothing will happen to her because she's with Liam." He said.

"I--Umm--Liam has my daughter." I smiled. "She's fine?"

"Yes, she's happy and fine but don't tell anyone. We trying to keep her safe." 

"Wait a minute." I can't believe Liam just took my baby. "You telling me Liam Kidnapped my daughter?"

"Yes because Peter wanted her dead." Calum said and I nod my head.

"Thank you but what if Liam takes her forever? What if he doesn't bring her back to me?" I never knew Liam wanted to take my daughter, he always said she's nothing to him so why does he always want to protect her.

"He only wants to protect her from danger. She will be back in your arms as soon as he kills Peter." 

"Okay, but can I please see her tonight. I know she's probably crying for me right now." I asked Calum and he nod his head. 

"I'll take you to Liam's house later and you can ask him if you can see Angel." He said and I smiled. "But Stacey, just pretend to be sad please, and don't utter a word to anyone."

"I promise." I left his house with a smile. I have to pretend to be sad. I can't let Simon or anyone know I am happy. "Why am I even happy Angel is with her father?" I asked myself.

God, please let them bound. I know Liam said he hates me and my daughter but he saved her three times now. He saved her and risked his life so please let them bound and let Angel get her wishes. But god, please don't ever replace Simon, he is an amazing father to Angel. I hope you accept my prayers, my lord. Ameen! 

I arrived at home and Simon was sitting inside, worried. 

"What did Calum say? Will Liam help?" He asked and I just looked on the floor.

"I don't know. I just want to sleep, I am tired." I quickly ran to Angel's room and locked the door. I feel really bad for lying to Simon but I have to keep it a secret. I promised Calum. 

I fell asleep!

I woke up around ten and Simon was sitting on the couch, still worried. 

"There's food in the oven if you hungry." He said dialing a number on his phone. 

"Have you been sitting here all day?" I asked and he nod his head.

"I wanted to find her before you wake up but I can't even get a clue on who or where they could've taken our daughter." He said. "But I promise I will find her."

"Thank you." I hugged him. "Thank you for being a great father, a great boyfriend, and a great human. Thank you for looking for Angel." I broke our hug. "Simon, I know what you are going through that's why I will tell you the truth." I took a long pause. "Um, Liam...Liam has my---our daughter because she needs protection."

"Liam!" He shook his head confused. "How did he take her? Why did he beat the nanny up and when is our daughter coming back?"

"I don't have answers to your questions but I am going to see Liam now so I will ask him." 

"I will come with you." Simon said and I shook my head. 

"I have to go alone. I promised to see them alone." I told him.

"Stacey, I am Angel's father. I know she wants to see me so please let me go see her." He begged so I agreed. 

We got in our car and called Calum to meet us at Liam's house. We all arrived at Liam's place at the same time and Calum was furious to see Simon.

"I hope Liam doesn't lose his temper when he sees this man." Calum mumbled as he started knocking on the door. 

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, scanning us from head to toe. "I asked a question."

"Let us come in first, we can't talk outside." Calum said and Liam let us in. "So, why do you look as if you were doing nothing all day."

"What do you want Calum? I know you didn't come here to ask me about what I did the whole day." Liam said.

"Well, we came here to see Angel." I replied. "I just want to see my daughter for one hour, please. I know you want to protect her and you think---."

"Lexie." Liam said, interrupting me. "What are you also doing here?" He asked as she walked in.

"Hey, brother!" His sister Lexie, greeted. "Your friend Calum said you might lose your temper so I came here to stop that from happening." 

"Liam, I know I agreed we shouldn't tell Stacey anything but I couldn't see her broken. So please let her see her daughter." Calum said and I nod my head.

"Do I look like I care?" He smirked. "Calum, I told you to kidnap her daughter and hide everything from everyone but you didn't do any of that so why the fuck are you asking me about that kid?"

"Liam, it's not time to joke about Angel." I shook my head. "Please just let me see my daughter. I need to see her."

"Then go look for her where you left her." Liam replied. 

"I want my daughter." I snapped. "Liam, please just give me my daughter. I don't have time to play games with you. I really want my daughter." Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"So you all knew that kid was kidnapped since this morning but you all decided to just leave it to me to solve your problems and find the kid before the end of the day." He giggled. "You should forget your daughter Angel, she's probably already dead by now." He added and I smacked him.

"Don't say that about my baby." I shouted. "I know you have her. I know you keeping her somewhere but please give me back my Angle. I really just want my little girl."

"You smacked me and you still accusing me of keeping your daughter with me." He snapped. "Don't ever smack me again, Angel."

"Liam if you value your life then you will tell me where my daughter is." Simon pushed Liam. "Or else, I will forget the fact your blood runs through my daughter's veins."

"As I said before, she's dead. Forget about her.:" Liam uttered those words and Simon punched him. Lexie quickly took her gun out and Calum tried stopping her. Liam spat the blood in his mouth.

"I gave you so many chances." Liam tried to hit Simon but I stood in front of Liam. "Angel, out." I refused to move out of his way so he pushed me and I lost my balance, hitting my head on the table. 

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Chapter 27 will be out on inkitt in a few hours! Link in my bio.

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