Ch. 82

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Chapter 82: The Ship to Inazuma

I changed Beidou's opinion of you in the 1K Special

I changed Beidou's opinion of you in the 1K Special

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Your POV

"See you next time Zhongli" i waved my hand "Of course, may we meet again" he nodded while entering the Pavilion. Zhongli invited me to have dinner with him and Childe at Liuli Pavilion but i don't want to miss the meeting place.

Flying over the harbor and off the inn, it was more bustling than it used to be "Where are they...?" I looked over at the balcony and they weren't there. Passing by the kitchen and going to our room "Y/N!" A  familiar voice called out my name.

"There you are!" Paimon flew over to me "We've been waiting for a while!" She sent me her classic pouting face.

"We helped Yanxiao making the guest's lunch, you're just in time because our meal is also ready" Aether put a plate of Fullmoon egg on our table following Yanxiao with the crab roe tofu. "Sorry i wasn't there to help you Yanxiao"

"It's alright" He sat down and an idea popped in my mind " about i help you make lunch before we head off to Inazuma, right guys?" The others nodded "Oh you're heading off to Inazuma soon?". "Yes, but we can continue the discussion while eating." Aether handed him a pair of chopsticks.


All of us stretched our arms, the plates were now empty "Paimon finally has her stomach full" she giggled "I understand now, well... thank you for the help, the both of you. There a new guests coming so I'll be more busy" He standed up and the three of us helped him clean the dishes.

When it was done, we stepped off the inn and to a hill near the harbor. A great place for sightseeing, and an area where we can have a private talk on what happened in the domain back then...

"Paimon never imagined that your siblings would join the abyss...much worse when they're the one leading the entire organization" Paimon put a hand on her forehead "I still can't believe it too, how many years we've been seperated and this happened when we saw each other again" Aether clenched his fist.

"Same here, if my father returns he'll get a huge scolding...even so, there's more to this than meets the eye" I looked up at the bright sky "Keep your chin up, guys. Paimon believes in the four of you. Whenever you feel like giving up, think of how we started"

You: Thanks Paimon, though...we can't forget Dain's words. In the end of our journey, we will be the one reaching it by ourselves. Friends and new people we meet are just there to accompany us
Aether: And to never put too much trust on the seven archons, no matter how much friendly they look. We need to keep our guard up, we only explored two nations in Teyvat.

Wandering Lust ♡ Genshin Impact X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now