Ch. 9: Catch the Gliding Man!

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I know how to write fighting scenes, the only problem is translating them. English isn't main language so instead i added a video from one of my favorite animes as a reference.



Amber: Wow, he flies fast then..
Y/N: So, he's a Daredevil.
Aether: What's a Daredevil?
Y/N: Is an Earthling term for  a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things. (yes, i copy pasted the last phrase from google)
Man: We didn't catch him, our plan was to draw him in the cathedral with an artifact, and ambush him inside...But he escaped with the artifact. Luckily, one of the sisters put some secret markings on the artifact using elemental magic. Unfortunately, he was too fast and we couldn't keep up with the trail of markings left behind.

Amber: If anyone needs help chasing down a gliding criminal then I'm the one for the job! So telll me, where did he go?
Man: He was last seen in Springvale, but that was some time ago
Amber: Leave it to me! With me, Aether and Y/N chasing him down together, he doesn't stand a chance!
Aether: Sure thing.
Y/N: So, did we pass?

Amber: Once we get this Raptor guy, we'll pick up where we left off; And no need to worry, I'll talk with Jean about this.


Amber: This is Springvale, you heard the man before. There are markings left around here that can give us clues about raptor.
Paimon: Use your Elemental Sight and keep your eyes peeled for clues.
Y/N: So, aether, will you do the honors?
Aether: Yes, just follow my lead Y/N. Once you'll start training how to use your elemental magic, I'll teach you how to do it.

Aether then starts to search around, he picked up something from the ground...A Broken tree branch?

Y/N: This looks like a broken tree branch..
Paimon: Oh! Paimon gets it now! It's from a frame of a broken windglider-
Amber: There are no elemental traces of it, so it's just a tree branch..

Walking through some trees, aether encounter's a strip of clothing...I hope this one is a clue..

Amber: Hm, a strip of clothing with Anemo Markings on..
Y/N: Looking at the way it's woven, there's high chance it came from a windglider.
Paimon: So you're an expert at textiles, Y/N!? That's amazing!
Y/N: Well, i know how to sew. So it's best to familiarize with the types of fabric; Plus i examined the windglider Amber gave me yesterday before they left.

Amber: If this really belongs to raptor, then his windglider is broken!

While looking around, i saw a small light on the clear grassy field. I poked Aether's shoulder and pointed him the direction of the light, aether then went to the direction i told him; We saw an anemo marking.

Aether: An anemo marking? I'm not sure if it's left by Raptor or an Anemo slime.
Amber: Animo Slimes are airborne creatures, so they don't leave marks on the ground.
Paimon: Unless if someone stomped on one?

Y/N: So people actually do that? I prefer to slice them off..
Amber: Either way, let's take a mental note of these Markings. They're very clear.

"It appears that the elemental markings point this way" Amber pointed forward to a clear field with only small amount of trees. "C'mon guys, we should follow the trail if we want to find out" Paimon said; A sound like someone fighting with a creature reached our ears. Without giving a second thought, all of us followed the direction of the sound.

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