Special Chapter: Its the Time of The Month

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Thank you for 100+ Reads, and because of that i give you all a special Chapter. When i publish this the book might've reached 200 chapters, but I'll still publish this anyway.

Note: Special Chapters are not related to the main story. This chapter also contains some feminine problems (like shark week if you know what I'm talking about) .Imagine the special chapters as events the pop out in the original game.



I was just chilling in my dorm room until i heard two female voices having a light argument. All the boys today are outside the HQ, i assume they went to Diluc's Tavern. So all of us girls have the Building for ourselves. I decided to spy on what the argument is all about. When i entered the room it was Barbara and Amber, i hid inside the cupboard.

Barbara: Let me guess.... It's the time of the month?
Amber: I ran out of those thick clothe that i use to cover it all up! Now what am i gonna do!?
Barbara: Calm down, as a fellow female i can understand.
Amber: Then how- OUCH! The cramps hurt!
Barbara: My big sister (Jean) and Lisa are in the Library-

Y/N: I can help...

I stepped out of my hiding spot, knowing well what the argument is all about. It's a good luck i bought those things with me when i was in the convenience store. It was on a limited discount for a month, so i had to buy them because i might miss out the offer if i buy the things next month.

Barbara: Thank goodness Y/N! You came just in time, although you scared and startled us a bit...
Amber: Yeah, we thought you were kaeya or aether just barging in to a girl conversation- UGH! It hurtssss!
Barbara: Do you have any left out thick clothing? Amber needs it for-
Y/N: I have a better one, come and follow me

Warning: The next scenes contain some things boys shouldn't know about

I lead them to my room and summoned my bag, Barbara looked at amber with pity while amber is busy containing the cramps. I grabbed out some pads, diva cup and a tampon. The two looked at the objects with utter confusion.

Barbara: What are those, Y/N?
Y/N: These are the things we used to help us during shark week at Earth.
Amber: Wait, you Earthlings have devices to help you deal with shark week!?
Y/N: Yes, these are called Pads, Diva cup, and Tampons.
Barbara: If these are only available at Earth, how did you get it?

Y/N: Before i got trapped here, i went to a store to buy some coffee and painkillers. When i saw that these were on sale, with a limited discount that lasted for a month. I had to buy it so that i won't miss out the offer.
Barbara: What are painkillers? Are they Earthlings that kill pain?

Y/N: No no, Painkillers are bean-sized foods that help you contain pain. They can come out as liquids too, it can also help dealing with cramps.
Amber: How come we didn't know about this? Earth is so advance! Thank you so much, Y/N! If you weren't here oh i would've suffered from the pain so much!
Barbara: I'm so grateful for you, Y/N. You have no idea how much these tampon things could help us females here on Teyvat.

Y/N: No problem, though i honestly would like to introduce more earthling devices but i don't have any samples with me. Okay amber, time to teach you how to put on these!
Amber: I can't wait- Oh no it's flowing fast! We've got to hurry!
Barbara: It's no biggie, and looks like my job here is done. May Lord Barbatos be with you for the rest of your life, Y/N!

Wandering Lust ♡ Genshin Impact X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now