Ch. 1: Shooting Star at Daytime?

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Another note: Sometimes it switches Point of View (POV), even if i add a reminder that it switched i recommend you all to not skip any paragraphs or sentences.



"Thanks for giving me an extra discount!"

I got out of the pharmacy and bought painkillers while drinking my caffeine (aka coffee). This what i always do before going on a mission, I dont want to feel tired while running away from an enemy. Also i always bring a gun with me with extra bullets, not many but enough for me defend myself.

As i walked through the harbor i finally got there on time- wait i think i forgot something. While searching for my charger i forgot it's left in my dorm room and i locked it plus the keys to my dorm are also inside Norika's Large Vanity. I panicked on the inside, but luckily my phone is still 96%. I forgot i didn't use my phone that much today since i was busy taking the exam.

I sighed in relief when i stepped on the dock of the boat. Ricin isn't rare on my country, so yeah this journey will only take a day.

***Timeskip brought to you by Scaramouche's weird hat***

I checked the comments of that and...
Y'all why are you guys so pressed over a joke😹 I know it's from japanese culture. The only difference is that it's bigger than his height 🙄 I'm actually curious how Scaramouche carries it everyday

I checked my phone again it's 6:30 PM, i we sailed at 4:35 PM and the shore is getting dark. The boat has a cafeteria and i just finished grabbing a BLT sandwich, I don't want to touch my packed food just incase if I'm tired walking to the ship's cafeteria.

Y/N: How long is it to travel through the Island?
Captain: Just another hour Y/N.
Crew 1: Captain, something is wrong with the lights...
Captain: Wait, don't tell me you forgot to fix it!?
Crew 1: I did, but the screwdriver is really rusty.
Captain: *sigh* Luckily the GPS is still working, Y/N can you please fetch me some bottled coffee from the vending machine?
Y/N: Sure thing

I walked to the cafeteria and insert a coin, i grabbed the coffee and gave it to the captain.
Captain: Thank you, but i may ask. Why did boss bring you to bring some ricin? It's a really poisonous plant and you're still young to be a delivery girl for poisonous things.
Crew 1: Relax Captain, she's Y/N L/N. She went through many missions already and it's really impressive for her age, someday i hope one of my kids will be successful as her.
Y/N: I really appreciate it that i became a role model for your kids sir, one day i wish to meet them.

As the crew member and i chat about his kids while the captain do his things I saw something across the shore. I can't really see it properly because the lights of the boat isn't working well, not broken but just something wrong with the screw supporting it.

A few minutes passed by and thats when another crew member ran to us, panting and pale. I wonder what happened..

Crew 2: C-captain, I've got s-some b-b-bad news!
Captain: May i ask why you're awfully pale?
Crew 2: There's a lady with a white hair making havoc near the dorms! You must see it! I tried telling the others but-

Suddenly we heard a feminine scream. All of us were terrified, the captain held it to autopilot and other crew members including me went to the direction of the scream. As we entered we saw a lady with white hair, and a weird looking outfit. The other crew members looked at the woman with terrified faces.

Woman: You...You Mortals! How dare you tresspass my territory!
Captain: W-what territory?
Woman: Where i dwell! I even put on a sign so that your eyes can see!
Crew 1: i-i-m very s-sorry but it's night time and our lights weren't working well! So we c-could not see it!

So the weird light i saw a few minutes ago was the sign? Or my eyes were just tricking me...

Woman: In every world i always have a secret place, it can be on land or water. The secret place itself is a portal through different worlds i created. No mortals and other beings shall never enter! Behold pathetic mortals, I'm the god who stores balances throughout worlds! And if anyone keeps on violating the rules shall be punished!

That's when the entire ship started shaking, a huge wave and a sea monster appeared to shake our ship. I hold into a pole and my school bag. Other crew members yelled and sinked into the deep ocean. The woman laughed and then she saw me.

Woman: Hmmm, what's this? A young maiden caught into the other Mortals' doings?

She signaled her finger to grab me and a huge light appeared under water, it's really huge that i can see it above shore.

Woman: I shall give you a second chance, but this time you'll be traveling to a different world. Oh and take notes dear, that i will give details on that device. What's it called again? A phone? Just open the application called "notes" or whatever the name is.

Then she dropped me to sink into the water while being sucked into the huge light. But before i can't properly breathe the woman told me that in exchange for a second chance i shall be cursed including this world aka earth. Small tears came out of my eyes, as much as i love adventures. This time i was going to another world, being trapped unless if i find a way. My friends, family... specially my little brother....What have i done. I closed my eyes i see nothing but bright light surrounding me..

***Meanwhile in Teyvat***

Third POV

It was a sunny day, it was still 6 in the morning. A boy named Aether and familiar named Paimon just finished breakfast. Aether was cleaning up the mess while Paimon flies near the shore.

Suddenly a huge hole appeared at the sky, a shooting star came out. Paimon noticed it and decided to call her friend.

Paimon: Whoa! Aether come quick! There's a shooting star!
Aether: Huh- a shooting star?. Isn't it weird that a shooting star appeared?
Paimon: Quick make a wish- wait that's not a shooting star...

As the 'shooting star' keep getting nearer, it appered to be a fair young maiden. Which is Y/N herself.

Aether: It's a person!
Paimon: Quick, let's leave space for it to land!

Y/N hit the white sand of the beach, without interrupting it's sleep. Paimon and Aether went to take a closer look on the person..

Paimon: It's a girl! And she wears a different outfit! She must be from another world!

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