Ch. 72

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Chapter 72: Forever Hatred towards the Gods

Chapter 72: Forever Hatred towards the Gods

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Third POV

"I'll go grab us some water, help me carry the cups Paimon while i get the jug" Aether standed up from the table with Paimon leaving you with Dainsleif and the Food. A moment of silence fell and you decided to break it.

"So Dain, do you want a bite?" You held the spoon close to his face and he shook his head "No thank you". "Did you already have lunch?" He shook his head again "I...i'm not used to eating meals.."

Your eyes widened at this "Does that mean you're not human at all? If you're not, you should try the dishes. Here, take a bite of the Universal Peace. It's delicious". Dainsleif stared at you and the spoon close to his face and he hesitantly accepted it, while chewing... Flashbacks of his life before getting cursed as an immortal filled his mind before glancing at your smiling face.

"Is it good?" You grabbed another spoon as well to eat the Bamboo shoot soup. "It is delicious" He nodded his head and a split second later the two arrived with the water you guys needed. "I can't believe that the vault of mora and ores Childe gave us weren't enough, the prices of products in Liyue has increased. We're going to broke" Aether ranted while putting the jug on the table.

"Paimon agrees too, if it weren't for this commission I don't think we'll be able to survive on our journey" Paimon frowned while floating next to Aether, of course the  cups are on the table. "Merchants nowadays really wants us to empty our wallets... Ahem... Let's dig in, the food is getting cold" You tried to change the atmosphere and it worked.

The rest of the meal was quiet except for the munching ASMR sounds of mukbang made by Paimon, only you, Dain and Aether lowered the smacking sounds. After the meal you and Aether shared the amount of mora you owned to pay the bill "Now that you had your lunch, let's look for traces of the Abyss Order".

Your POV

On the way, the abyss mages tried to ambush us. Luckily i knocked them off, i just love torturing them. "Those abyss mages just now, were they trying to ambush us? And Y/N, you certainly love commiting arson against them, don't you?" Paimon huffed at me and i just rolled my eyes.

"No, they were only digging through these abandoned Ruin Guards looking for something else of value." And i oop, Dainsleif you should've said that to me sooner. "Ohhh no wonder! These two like to do it too, like looking for weapon ascension materials. Right?" Paimon sideyed me and Aether

"That's true, we need to upgrade our swords just incase we encounter an enemy that might be stronger than us. Stronger enemies require stronger weapons. Just like the abyss herald we encountered back then" Aether nodded. Dain explained on what they were searching, they didn't find anything good on the unconscious ruin guard near us.

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