Ch. 5: The Saviors of Monstadt

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There might be errors i didn't check before publishing this chapter, so i apologize.



Amber: And this mascot, what's the deal with it?
Aether: Emergency Food.
Y/N: The "mascot" is our friend and traveling partner.
Paimon: Hey Aether! that's even worse than a mascot! Only Y/N here respects paimon!

Actually paimon, i was planning to call you a floating child but since I'm not in the mood for jokes....

"I'm Aether, the emergency food is paimon, and this gorgeous lady here is Y/N". Aether  points his finger to Paimon whose cranky for aether ignoring her and me blushing a bit of how he called me that.

Amber: Nice to meet you, Travelers. Although i would like to ask, why are you three traveling?
Aether: I'm traveling to find my sister, we got separated on our journey here.
Y/N: Some person with elemental powers pulled a stunt by trapping me in this world. While finding my way home, i decided to help aether find his sister
Paimon: Paimon almost drowned once, but aether helped me. So as a thank you, paimon helps Aether and Y/N.

Amber: Hmmm, i can already verify that you three aren't lying.
Paimon: How?
Amber: The different outfits! Also Y/N, your attire seems familiar from another world...

Well duh, I'm still wearing my school uniform here. Luckily, it's currently the summer months at my country. Traveling and walking won't cause so much sweat since I'm wearing a summer uniform.

Amber: I think it's.... Earth?
Y/N: Bingo!
Amber: Well then fellow travelers, follow me to Monstadt's city gate. Once you are through the gates, let's meet up near the entrance. It's only a few meters away though, we can go separate ways as you'd like.
Y/N: I have a question, what do you call those things that are use to fly?
Amber: *chuckles* The rumors of earth being the only world that don't use magic are true, huh. Well, they're called Windgliders.

Paimon: Paimon will go with amber, catch you guys later!

Amber then use her windglider and Paimon flies with her. Now it's just me and Aether left alone.

Y/N: About last time, the way you called me a 'gorgeous lady'. I appreciate it, i always get compliments but they're flirty and not sincerely. For the first time, i heard a genuine compliment by a boy. Thank you.
Aether: *blushes* Y-you're welcome, but honestly you are beautiful, inside and the outside. Most girls i encountered are pretty but their attitudes makes me sick, you and my sister are an exception.

I thanked aether again, oh wow we're both on a blushing mess right now. My heart is beating so fast. I coughed trying to change the atmosphere.

Y/N: So uhh, we should get going. We don't want them to keep on waiting.
Aether: Speaking of my sister, hopefully I'll be able to collect information about her in this city. (A/N: Is Monstadt a town or a city? I might've missed information in the game so I'll just call it both for now)

This time, we decided to walk instead of using a windglider. We keep on having small talks till we entered the hallway to the entrance.

Y/N: Oh look, there's a boy! Maybe we can ask him?
Aether: Good idea.

We ran towards the boys direction, the pigeons surrounding the boys then flies away when we got near to him.

"Now you scared my pigeons away! What do you two have to say for yourselves!?" The boy asked us, not in a nice way of course. "Don't worry, they'll come back soon" I replied nicely. "W-what if they don't!? J-just like daddy" He replied, sadness radiating.

Me and Aether stared at the boy for a moment, damn that was dark as hell..

Y/N: Umm, sorry for bothering you... I'm pretty sure your dad has some business to attend that's taking him long to return.
Aether: Y-yeah! Your pigeons will return soon, i assure you! We should get going now...
Y/N: Goodbye!

All of us run as far away as we can, that turned into an awkward conversation.

Aether: I feel sorry for the Kid...
Y/N: Same here...

Guard 1: Hello there, we would like to do an interrogation before-
Guard 2: I think these are the two people that Outrider Amber mentioned.
Guard 1: You're right, the description that outrider amber told us about one girl and one boy matches with these two.
Guard 2: Alright, you two may enter.

As the guards opened the gates, me and aether walked through. We then saw Paimon and Amber near a food stall, amber turned to us and waved her hand. We ran towards the direction.

Amber: Finally, you two arrived! We've been waiting for awhile.
Paimon: Agree, Paimon was bored!
Amber: I decided to introduce her to some stalls here while we wait for you two.

Y/N: This place has less people and costumers, may i ask why?
Amber: It's been like this for awhile now, this place isn't fit for a proper conversation. Let's meet at the city's high ground.


Aether: Oh so that's why..
Amber: Yeah, sightings of a large dragon-like creature keep on appearing at the sky. It's becoming a major problem, it didn't affect people's business though. But don't worry! With the acting grand master, problems will be solved!
Aether: Who's the Acting Grand Master?
Amber: Oh? Her name is Jean, ever since she became one. All of the city problems are solved!

Y/N: I would like to meet her..
Amber: Travelers under the Knights of Favonius' protection, welcome to monstadt!

A moment later something huge covered the sunlight, we looked up at the sky and saw the dragon-like creature that we saw in the Forest. Suddenly, a huge hurricane appered just a few blocks away. All of the citizens ran away, including me.

But before i could do so the hurricane grabbed me. Suddenly a huge wind current appeared. Making me escape the hurricane, i had to think quick. I just then remembered what paimon said, Flying is like swimming but on air. It's a good thing i  frequently go to my school's swimming pool. Now I'm facing against a dragon, i felt like I'm the proganist of the Godzilla Movie.

"Now now, don't be nervous. Just do what i tell you" A mysterious Voice said. "Wh-who are you!?" I replied back with a worried tone. "That doesn't matter. Now try to attack the dragon, if you know how to."

Try to attack the dragon, huh? I memorized the things Aether told me. So i did as i told, a bunch of crystal like things appeared and it damaged the dragon. I feel like I'm using a gun but with magic.

"Good. Now focus on your target, use all the power you can until the dragon leaves"

A few minutes later the dragon growled in pain, the dark clouds surrounding the city and disappeared and i flew back on the ground. The wind current disappeared.

Paimon, Aether and Amber came running to me. I sighed, aether then hugged me.

Aether: Do you have any idea how worried i was!? At first i felt like using my windglider to save you until a wind current appeared!
Amber: It's amazing how an Earthling knows how to use Magic. Using magic can drain your stamina, specially if its your first time using it.
Paimon: Y-Y/N! Did that dragon hurt you in any way!? Plus you're such a fast learner!

I assured the three of them, what matters is that the dragon disappeared now. Suddenly i heard footsteps and claps. The three of us turned around and saw a tall man, wearing an exotic outfit with a low ponytail and...An eyepatch?

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